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<pi> This package/segment contains third party material. Unless otherwise noted, this material may only be used within this package/segment. Usage must cease on all platforms (including digital) within ten days of its initial delivery or such shorter time as designated by CNN. </pi> --SUPERS-- Saturday Washington 1:47 - 2:00 Imam Mohamed Magid All Dulles Area Muslim Society Center --LEAD IN-- PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS BUSY ON HIS FIRST FULL DAY IN THE WHITE HOUSE. HE ATTENDED A PRAYER SERVICE AT WASHINGTON NATIONAL CATHEDRAL, BEFORE PAYING A VISIT TO THE C-I-A. AS JIM ACOSTA REPORTS, HE OFFERED AN OLIVE BRANCH TO THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. --REPORTER PKG-AS FOLLOWS-- Natsot: applause IT WAS DOWN TO BUSINESS FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP, AS HE VISITED THE CIA, TO FACE THE SAME INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY HE OPENLY ACCUSED OF LEAKING DAMAGING INFORMATION ABOUT HIM DURING HIS TRANSITION. President Trump, no font: "There is nobody that feels stronger about the intelligence community and the CIA than Donald Trump. There is nobody." BUT INSTEAD OF ADDRESSING HIS PREVIOUS ATTACKS ON THE PEOPLE OF THE C-I-A, TRUMP STOOD IN FRONT OF A WALL HONORING THE AGENCY"S FALLEN OFFICERS AND TOOK SWIPES AT THE NEWS MEDIA, ACCUSING THE PRESS OF INTENTIONALLY MISSTATING CROWD SIZES AT HIS INAUGURAL. President Trump, no font: "We had a massive field of people, you saw it. Packed! I get up this morning and I turn on one of the networks and they showed the empty field. I said "wait a minute, I made the speech, I looked it out." The field was a million a million and half people. They should a field where there was practically no one standing there. They said "Donald Trump did not draw well", I said it was almost raining, the rain should have come down but God looked down and said "we"re not going to let it rain on your speech."" HIS ASSAULT ON THE PRESS WAS MET WITH SOME APPLAUSE INSIDE THE CIA. President Trump, no font: "They are among the most dishonest human beings on Earth (applause)" TRUMP TELLING THE CROWD HE KNEW THE MILITARY AND INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY HAD VOTED FOR HIM. President Trump, no font: "Probably almost everybody in this room voted for me. But I won"t ask you to raise your hands" EARLIER IN THE DAY, THE PRESIDENT"S MOTORCADE CROSSED THE CITY, PAST PROTESTERS ON THEIR WAY TO THE WOMEN"S MARCH IN WASHINGTON. TO ATTEND AN INAUGURAL PRAYER SERVICE, AN INTERFAITH CEREMONY FEATURING MORE THAN TWO DOZEN RELIGIOUS LEADERS, INCLUDING AN IMAM FROM WASHINGTON"S MUSLIM COMMUNITY, WHO RECITED VERSES FROM THE QURAN, PRAISING DIVERSITY. Imam Mohamed Magid, All Dulles Area Muslim Society Center: "Among the signs of God is a creation of the heaven on Earth and the creation of your languages and your colors are signs for those who know." IT WAS A RESPONSE TO THE NEW PRESIDENT, WHO MADE A POINT OF USING THE TERM "RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM" IN HIS INAUGURAL SPEECH. President Trump, no font: "We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth." IN RESPONSE TO CRITICS WHO SLAMMED MISTER TRUMP"S SPEECH... INCLUDING CONSERVATIVE COLUMNIST GEORGE WILL, WHO DUBBED IT "THE MOST DREADFUL INAUGURAL ADDRESS IN HISTORY." THE PRESIDENT THANKED OTHER NEWS OUTLETS FOR WHAT HE CALLED "GREAT REVIEWS OF THE SPEECH." President Donald Trump: "There"s no games, right? No games. We"re not playing games." MISTER TRUMP CONTINUED HIS PUGNACIOUS TONE RIGHT INTO THE INAUGURAL BALLS, TAUNTING DETRACTORS WHO CRITICIZE HIS USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. President Trump, no font: "Should I keep the Twitter going or not? Keep it going? I think so. I think so. You know, the enemies keep saying, "Oh it"s terrible" but it"s a way of bypassing a dishonest media." AND WHILE THE PRESIDENT WILL KEEP ON TWEETING, THE WHITE HOUSE APPEARS TO BE CRACKING DOWN ON SOCIAL MEDIA PRACTICES AT FEDERAL AGENCIES... LIKE THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, WHICH RETWEETED A NEW YORK TIMES REPORER COMPARING CROWD SIZES FROM BARACK OBAMA"S FIRST INAUGURAL IN 2009 TO THE MORE SPARSE ATTENDANCE ON FRIDAY. THE PARK SERVICE DELETED THAT RETWEET, THEN TWEETED: "WE REGRET THE MISTAKEN RETWEETS FROM OUR ACCOUNT YESTERDAY AND LOOK FORWARD TO CONTINUING TO SHARE THE BEAUTY AND HISTORY OF OUR PARKS WITH YOU." --TAG-- BUT FORMER C-I-A DIRECTOR JOHN BRENNAN SLAMMED THE PRESIDENT"S SPEECH AT THE AGENCY. ACCORDING TO HIS FORMER DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF, BRENNAN SAID THE ADDRESS WAS "SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT" AND TRUMP SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF. -----END-----CNN.SCRIPT----- --KEYWORD TAGS-- TRUMP CIA CATHEDRAL WASHINGTON WHITE HOUSE
Footage Information
Source | CNN Collection |
Link | View details on CNN Collection site |
Date | 01-21-2017 |
Description | <pi> This package/segment contains third party material. Unless otherwise noted, this material may only be used within this package/segment. Usage must cease on all platforms (including digital) within ten days of its initial delivery or such shorter time as designated by CNN. </pi> --SUPERS-- Saturday Washington 1:47 - 2:00 Imam Mohamed Magid All Dulles Area Muslim Society Center --LEAD IN-- PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS BUSY ON HIS FIRST FULL DAY IN THE WHITE HOUSE. HE ATTENDED A PRAYER SERVICE AT WASHINGTON NATIONAL CATHEDRAL, BEFORE PAYING A VISIT TO THE C-I-A. AS JIM ACOSTA REPORTS, HE OFFERED AN OLIVE BRANCH TO THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. --REPORTER PKG-AS FOLLOWS-- Natsot: applause IT WAS DOWN TO BUSINESS FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP, AS HE VISITED THE CIA, TO FACE THE SAME INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY HE OPENLY ACCUSED OF LEAKING DAMAGING INFORMATION ABOUT HIM DURING HIS TRANSITION. President Trump, no font: "There is nobody that feels stronger about the intelligence community and the CIA than Donald Trump. There is nobody." BUT INSTEAD OF ADDRESSING HIS PREVIOUS ATTACKS ON THE PEOPLE OF THE C-I-A, TRUMP STOOD IN FRONT OF A WALL HONORING THE AGENCY"S FALLEN OFFICERS AND TOOK SWIPES AT THE NEWS MEDIA, ACCUSING THE PRESS OF INTENTIONALLY MISSTATING CROWD SIZES AT HIS INAUGURAL. President Trump, no font: "We had a massive field of people, you saw it. Packed! I get up this morning and I turn on one of the networks and they showed the empty field. I said "wait a minute, I made the speech, I looked it out." The field was a million a million and half people. They should a field where there was practically no one standing there. They said "Donald Trump did not draw well", I said it was almost raining, the rain should have come down but God looked down and said "we"re not going to let it rain on your speech."" HIS ASSAULT ON THE PRESS WAS MET WITH SOME APPLAUSE INSIDE THE CIA. President Trump, no font: "They are among the most dishonest human beings on Earth (applause)" TRUMP TELLING THE CROWD HE KNEW THE MILITARY AND INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY HAD VOTED FOR HIM. President Trump, no font: "Probably almost everybody in this room voted for me. But I won"t ask you to raise your hands" EARLIER IN THE DAY, THE PRESIDENT"S MOTORCADE CROSSED THE CITY, PAST PROTESTERS ON THEIR WAY TO THE WOMEN"S MARCH IN WASHINGTON. TO ATTEND AN INAUGURAL PRAYER SERVICE, AN INTERFAITH CEREMONY FEATURING MORE THAN TWO DOZEN RELIGIOUS LEADERS, INCLUDING AN IMAM FROM WASHINGTON"S MUSLIM COMMUNITY, WHO RECITED VERSES FROM THE QURAN, PRAISING DIVERSITY. Imam Mohamed Magid, All Dulles Area Muslim Society Center: "Among the signs of God is a creation of the heaven on Earth and the creation of your languages and your colors are signs for those who know." IT WAS A RESPONSE TO THE NEW PRESIDENT, WHO MADE A POINT OF USING THE TERM "RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM" IN HIS INAUGURAL SPEECH. President Trump, no font: "We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth." IN RESPONSE TO CRITICS WHO SLAMMED MISTER TRUMP"S SPEECH... INCLUDING CONSERVATIVE COLUMNIST GEORGE WILL, WHO DUBBED IT "THE MOST DREADFUL INAUGURAL ADDRESS IN HISTORY." THE PRESIDENT THANKED OTHER NEWS OUTLETS FOR WHAT HE CALLED "GREAT REVIEWS OF THE SPEECH." President Donald Trump: "There"s no games, right? No games. We"re not playing games." MISTER TRUMP CONTINUED HIS PUGNACIOUS TONE RIGHT INTO THE INAUGURAL BALLS, TAUNTING DETRACTORS WHO CRITICIZE HIS USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. President Trump, no font: "Should I keep the Twitter going or not? Keep it going? I think so. I think so. You know, the enemies keep saying, "Oh it"s terrible" but it"s a way of bypassing a dishonest media." AND WHILE THE PRESIDENT WILL KEEP ON TWEETING, THE WHITE HOUSE APPEARS TO BE CRACKING DOWN ON SOCIAL MEDIA PRACTICES AT FEDERAL AGENCIES... LIKE THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, WHICH RETWEETED A NEW YORK TIMES REPORER COMPARING CROWD SIZES FROM BARACK OBAMA"S FIRST INAUGURAL IN 2009 TO THE MORE SPARSE ATTENDANCE ON FRIDAY. THE PARK SERVICE DELETED THAT RETWEET, THEN TWEETED: "WE REGRET THE MISTAKEN RETWEETS FROM OUR ACCOUNT YESTERDAY AND LOOK FORWARD TO CONTINUING TO SHARE THE BEAUTY AND HISTORY OF OUR PARKS WITH YOU." --TAG-- BUT FORMER C-I-A DIRECTOR JOHN BRENNAN SLAMMED THE PRESIDENT"S SPEECH AT THE AGENCY. ACCORDING TO HIS FORMER DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF, BRENNAN SAID THE ADDRESS WAS "SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT" AND TRUMP SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF. -----END-----CNN.SCRIPT----- --KEYWORD TAGS-- TRUMP CIA CATHEDRAL WASHINGTON WHITE HOUSE |
Class | Editorial |
Rights | Rights Managed |
Length | 00:03:32 |
Frame Rate | 25 fps |
Format | Standard Definition |
Synopsis | President Trump was busy on his first full day in the White House |
CNN ID | 39678160 |
Name | 370U90Q_001 |