
Footage Information

CONUS Archive
Tent Collapse (06/22/1997)
Botkins, Ohio
Botkins, Ohio Elaine Hollmer, Preacher No Super Known on 2nd Woman
Sot, sot, cutaway, closup of leg cast, mangled lights, collapsed tent on ground, pan of tent on ground
18 people were hurt when a tent collapsed at a revival service in west-central Ohio last night. Parishoners at a Shelby County church are tonight thanking God no one was killed when a quick moving powerful storm blew down the tent where they were holding revival service. 400 people were enjoying the preaching under a tent at the Only Believe Ministries in Botkins when a gust of wind ripped apart their serenity. The tent broke away... 18 people were injured as lights and metal stakes crashed down on people. Those injured believe that praying worked... two people were held in the hospital overnight... both were released today.
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