
Footage Information

CONUS Archive
Aberdeen Commander Resigns (06/03/1997)
Aberdeen, MD
Aberdeen Proving Ground - March William Cohen, Defense Secretary P.F.C Jamie Cook, Aberdeen Soldier P.F.C Laurence Atkinson, Aberdeen Soldier Staff Sgt. Ethel Burnett, Aberdeen Soldier David Collins, Reporting
Building exteriors with newspaper clippings over, picture of commander, soldiers marching, Cohen sot, soldiers in the ranks, female soldier sot, man answering phone, women soldiers, male soldier sot, Longhouser gpx, army file, female soldier sot.
Major General John Longhouser, commander of the Army's scandal-plagued Aberdeen proving ground, is resigning from the military after admitting to an adulterous affair. Longhouser issued a statement saying he decided to retire because of ``the concern currently focused on the military and the personal lives of its members.'' Aberdeen proving ground has been under the media microscope after several instructors there were accused of having sex with trainees.
LEAD: In Maryland, the man in command has quit at the Army's scandal-plagued Aberdeen Proving Ground after admitting that he committed adultery. David Collins reports.
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