
Footage Information

CONUS Archive
Blind Basketball Announcer (01/21/1997)
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
Nat Pkg
Cottage Grove, Minnesota Carole Judd, Mother Nancy Berg, Adaptive Phy Ed Teacher Chris Judd, PA Announcer Mark Garvey, Reporting
Snowy exterior of school, person filling popcorn girls running onto basketball court, people cheering, cheerleaders, girls playing basketball, boy announcing game, blind boy walking down school hallway, trophy case, basketball game, cu-typewriter typing, boy practicing announcing, boy announcing, cu-microphone, cu-scoreboard, man cleaning bleachers.
LEAD: He's a young man with a booming voice who has become the first ever student announcer for his high school basketball games...and he's blind. Reporter Mark Garvey brings us the story of this remarkable teenager. SCRIPT: NATSND and SOTs
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