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CONUS Archive
GOP Radio Address (05/16/1998)
Washington, DC
Washington, D.C. Voice of: Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, (R) Texas
GFX photo of Kay Bailey Hutchison.
Republicans in Congress say their "highest tax-cutting priority" is to end the so-called "marriage penalty," with Social Security reform and tax cuts rounding out the party's designs for a projected budget surplus. That, according to Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas on the weekly G-O-P radio address this morning. Hutchison said lawmakers hope to use money from the surplus to ease Americans' tax burden, but that's only half the goal. The other half, she said, is the the burden of debt on our children, beginning with Social Security reform. Hutchison cited predictions that the nation will run annual Social Security deficits of $684 billion by 2030. She said Republicans are also discussing ways to empower younger workers so they can have a say in how their Social Security investment is managed.
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