
Footage Information

CONUS Archive
Gone - Wind - Footage (2/24/1999)
Cedar Rapids, IA.
Old lost behind the scenes footage of "Gone With The Wind", rare footage on the set, Clark Gable and Vivian Leigh.
Rare, behind the scenes footage from "Gone With The Wind" released today in Cedar Rapids, IA. The scenes show actress Vivian Leigh and others. The footage was found in the basement of a Cedar Rapids mansion that's been converted into a museum.
LEAD: What some may claim as one of the most popular movies of all time is now forever linked to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Rare footage of stars on the set of "Gone With The Wind" was found at the historic Brucemore Mansion is this central Iowa town. This rare and recently discovered home footage was shot by Iowa entrepreneur Howard Hall. Hall lived at the Brucemore Mansion in Iowa and spent time hobnobbing with cast members of this historic film. Hall shot some home films when he visited the movie set in Hollywood in 1939. It's an historic treasure that was discovered in the Brucemore Mansion basement in 19-81. But the the film couldn't be viewed until Brucemore Mansion officials worked the last three years to preserve the original reel. The restorers didn't know how much film was there or what was on it--or if there were any principle actors on it.. But several of the film's main actors can be seen in this two-minute footage. It's a rare look at the stars lounging around... Clark Gable in the background.. Viven Leigh puffing on a cigarette.... Olivia de Havilland and Leslie Howard preparing for the Twelve Oaks barbeque. It wasn't unusual for Hall to go to Hollywood... He traveled to the west coast often to check on his oil investments...and when he did he checked in with some Hollywood stars. ENTERTAI FEED-DATE: ENTERTAI
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