
Footage Information

CONUS Archive
School - Violence (04/29/1999)
Tallahassee, Florida
File Tallahassee / Florida Sgt. Tom Gavin / St. Pete Police Joel DeVolentine / Dept. of Juvnile Justice Chris Chmura
kids with hands up on fence, sot man, guns on a wall, cu gun, police officers storming building, school exteriors, sot man, su reporter, sot man, kids running out of school, kid being pulled out of window, sot man, kids laying on ground, sot man, kids laying flowers on ground, tags.
Florida Department of Law Enforcement hosts a conference to talk about school violence, and the threat of COPY-CAT killers on campuses across the state.
LEAD: In the wake of the deadly Colorado School shooting, Florida policymakers are looking for ways to prevent that kind of tragedy from Happening here. As Chris Chmura (kuh-MORE-uh) explains, a Florida Department Law Enforcement gathering today pin-pointed education as the best medicine. InsertPKG: ---VOICE--- The frightening images of the Colorado School Shooting are still fresh in the minds of many. Leaving law enforcers looking for ways to prevent that style of shooting from ever happening in the sunshine state... ---SOT--- Gavin 01:05:53:15 "One of the reasons kids bring guns to school is because they're afraid." ---VOICE--- 361 Kids brought guns on campus in Florida last year. Now, experts from around the state are studying school shootings to prevent them. The main message is awareness, built through partnerships between police officers and educators to keep a look-out for sings of violence. ---SOT--- Gavin 01:09:18:23 "We need to do more things like that... it has to be collaberative, it's not just a law enforcement issue alone." ---SOT/Stand-Up--- Right now officers are focusing a lot of attention toward so-called copy-cats... Crooks who use the Colorado schooting as a template for terror. ---SOT--- Joel 01:12:13:06 "It's the ones that don't violate the law, and the one who we really don't know about that really concern us." ---VOICE--- Those kinds of kids have the element of surprise... That's serious to law enforcers, because recently, several copycat kids have been caught attempting to pull deadly stunts... ---SOT--- 01:06:41:28 Gavin "Prehaps the kids haven't committed the crimes yet, but they're are planning to... conspriacy, and kids getting stuff on the internet how to build bombs and so forth..." ---VOICE--- So far the state's been lucky because the experts think good kids turn in delinquients who brag about what they're plannng... ---SOT--- Joel 01:13:07:00 "In terms of going the full distance, and really acting out the copycat, we haven't seen that yet." ---VOICE--- But, as the experts work... there are no promises for the Future of school safety. In Tallahassee, Chris Chmura reporting. ---END OF TAPE--- TAG: Despite outbursts of juvenile justice like the Colorado School Shooting, trends for kids who are charged with murder have been steadily declining. In fact, last year 94 kids were charged with murder one... comapred with 161 in 1993. SOUTHWES FEED-DATE: 99APR30 SOUTHWES
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