
Footage Information

CONUS Archive
Animals - Visit - Elderly
Jackson Co., Alabama
Bessie Campbell/Lives at Nursing home Loeta Smith/Loves the Animals Robin Kirk/Animal Owner
Woman in bed petting camel, elderly people petting camel, sot, sot, sot, camel in nursing home, pony walking, man holding monkey, monkey in cage, man walking with camel, sot, pony, animals in nursing home.
How do you get a giraffe out of the zoo? Very carefully! Watch how these nursing home patients react when zoo animals come to visit. Deborah Nettune has the story. ---take pkg--- Sidney Stanfield wasn't expecting any guests today.. but this afternoon, an old furry friend popped in to say Hello. ---nats--- Oscar and his friends hoofed their way through the North Jackson Nursing home to spread some cheer. --NATS-- The animals brightened the day for everyone, bringing smiles to faces. Bessie Campbell couldnt resist a quick kiss. ---NATS-- ---SOT-- BESSIE CAMPBELL ..."I'VE SEEN THEM IN MY YOUNG DAYS WE USED TO GO TO ALL THE CIRCUSES IN OUR AREA." ---SOT--LOETA SMITH "THEY'RE JUST UNIQUE, UNIQUE AND THEY'RE JUST PRECIOUS TO US.. ONLY WHERE THE CAMELS AND HORSES TOURING THE NURSING HOME THERE'S ALSO THIS LITTLE BABY KANGAROO. OOOH YOU OK THERE?" He's ok, but some of the other animals werent as accomodating. ABU, a 5 week old baboon didnt want to be held by just anyone and Skipper, the monkey, wanted to be left alone. But owner Robin Kirk assures us even the animals are having fun. --sot--ROBIN KIRK "THE ANIMALS ENJOY IT. THEY GET AS MUCH ENJOYMENT OUT OF IT AS WE DO AD AS THE PATIENTS OF THE NURSING HOME DO..." ---NATS--- And people who live here cant wait till they can horse around again.
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