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Source | CONUS Archive |
Record ID | 249124 |
Story Slug | State Department Briefing (1992) |
Location | WASHINGTON, DC |
Format | TVD |
Date | 12/1/1992 |
Archive Time | :10 |
TRT | 5:26 |
Supers | Richard Boucher |
Video Description | News conference |
Script | (SUGGESTED TRANSCRIPT OF AUDIO)I'll put up a more detailed version of this as well. But as best we can ascertain the food that we fly in, whether by military or civilian airlift, it is not loaded, it goes into warehouses and has been distributed to feeding centers. But the international airlift brings only about 20% of the total amount of food that goes into Somalia. And the 80% figure that sometimes loot used for loading refers to the looting of food that's transported overland from Mogadishu, or from Kismayo and other port to inland towns. It refers to both looted food and protection money that's paid in food, to armed gangs to prevent attacks on the convoys. And then we've had some recent examples where gather. We do I think people know a little more about what's going on in bar Dara, that's a city of 20,000 people there. They say the rate was about 45 people a day in late September, who were dying. It went up to as many as 200 Today in early November, and now remains over 100. Today, we think the proportion of death rates to the population is alarmingly high throughout Somalia, most significant is number of children under five years of age who have died. And in effect, an entire generation of Somalis has been lost. So the a stable situation for the delivery of food and other supplies established quickly. The other thing the Secretary General described in his letter to the council is that the initial force would be replaced by a regular UN peacekeeping force as soon as the conditions permit. So that's the general frustration. We are. I describe our goals yesterday, the way it described them again today, and that is to provide a safe and stable and secure environment to facilitate the delivery of the release supplies to the people who so desperately need. The provision provision at two is a subject that we will have to discuss. I'm told that thus far we haven't gotten in any detail, and this would support the use of their own forces. But exactly what contributions we got. From the Persian Gulf operation, then the Gulf operation involved soliciting for now, I don't know that it will be that different nations may find different ways of supporting the operation. So I it's a subject that I can't define too much shooting of an American plane today. And here's the airlift. There was a C 130 on its final approach to Sarajevo that was hit by a bullet from small arms fire. There were no injuries plane was able to land safely and after being checked out thoroughly, was able to take off again from Sarajevo and make its return flight to Ryan mind. You UNHCR officials have temporarily interrupted the airlift. This is the fourth such incident this month when a UN humanitarian fight was fired upon by small arms fire. Obviously, we don't think that this is the way to act in relation to people who are working in Metis needed supplies. The totals, fairly extensive rundown of what's going on the cording to the United Nations and to government stores sources their heavy fighting broke out in the northern province of Wege on November 29, in what appears to have been a well coordinated plan by unit of forces attacks were launched simultaneously on the provincial capital city of Wege. That's UI G, and nearby air base of Nygaard, je ne G A G. One un noncommissioned officer of Brazilian was killed in the fighting and other was wounded. All the UN personnel have been withdrawn from wage government forces have also been withdrawn and both wage and negotiate are now under UNITA control. confrontations have also occurred in other parts of the north over the past few days. A government contingent was ambushed near the city of CAX it Oh, that one I'm not going to try. 40 miles east of Luanda fighting continues today in the northern city of Soyo. So why Oh, Western oil companies with facilities in that area, including Texaco and fina have reportedly evacuated their personnel do the fighting. We've seen these latest hostilities is a clear violation of both the Angola peace accords and the November 26 declaration in which both parties agreed to respect the ceasefire and to halt all offensive movements. We would call on all the parties particularly UNITA to immediately bring their forces under control and to stop offensive military action. We believe that progress towards a negotiated settlement can be achieved only with the cessation of military activities and to return to the designated troop assembly areas provide headed for under the peace accords. This is especially true for UNITA, which has systematically utilize military operations over the past two months to seize territory and to destabilize Angola. For its part, the government should take steps to promote negotiations, including such things as the release of prisoners to return to bodies of those who are killed. And of course cooperation with the United Nations in that regard. |
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