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CONUS Archive
State Department Briefing (1992)
News conference
(SUGGESTED TRANSCRIPT OF AUDIO) 00:17 the rest of you weren't tuned to the radio last night. Let me tell you the views of the US. We share the concern of the international community over the announcement made yesterday by unity to military leaders suspending their participation in the new National Army. We see this as an unfortunate set. It's not in accord with the spirit or the letter of the angle a piece of quartz. The action increases rather than lessens tensions which have developed in Angola in recent days. The results of the election are not yet final. We continue to believe that complaints by any party should be brought to the National Electoral Council, which has mechanisms in place to review such charges. We believe that the council has made efforts in recent days to respond to such charges. And working with the United Nations aid can address these allegations. The international community remains actively involved in monitoring all aspects of the electoral process, and is willing to help promote dialogue and communication among the parties at this time, we call on all parties to recommit themselves to national reconciliation, and cooperate with the United Nations Unknown Speaker 01:24 the saying that Iraq is going to pass on to give the UN to to allow it to sell $4 billion worth of oil. What is the US position on that? 01:38 our position is the position that we've always taken about this. And that's that Iraq has to comply with Security Council resolutions, right, going right back to the very first ones. And then these steps that we've taken recently with the with the assets resolution, where to borrow money to ensure that Iraq did pay for helping its people for the compensation that it owes, and for other things, and that Iraq has been offered a means for many, many months now under resolution 706 and 712, to export oil under carefully monitored conditions. So that its oil revenues would pay for these things, but it hasn't taken up the offer. It hasn't accepted that UN resolution. And therefore other steps were necessary to deal with these conditions that were created by the Iraqi government.
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