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CONUS Archive
VP Al Gore speaking at the White House
Vice President Al Gore announces a new Plain Language award for Bessie Berry, the Director of the Meat & Poultry Hotline at the USDA.
(SUGGESTED TRANSCRIPT OF AUDIO) When it comes to all government communication, the principles of plain language are clear. Short is better than long. Active is better than passive. Everyday terms are better than technical terms, and clarity is better than gobbly gook. This isn't just about good writing it is about good government and redeeming the promise of our democracy. Clear writing helps to create understanding and trust and trust is essential to people's faith in their own self government. Until very recently, the USDA website that provides information on safe turkey and stuffing preparation read as follows If stuffing a turkey, use a meat thermometer now 00:58 I've been using a spoon and I it just causes me to wonder whether or not which end do you use when you're when using if stuffing a turkey use a meat thermometer, All right? Well, we have Bessie berry to thank for this new simplicity and clarity. Bessie is the branch chief of the meat and poultry hotline at USDA, where they handle 130,000 phone calls a year, mostly at Thanksgiving time and often from panic people asking about safe food handling you may have and today I am proud to return the favor and present Bessie with this richly deserved no gobbledygook award. 01:57 Now, Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends, a time to reflect on our many blessings and enjoy one of the most traditional holiday feasts because of the principles of plain language. And because of the dedication of Bessie Smith and her colleagues at USDA, America's meals will be safer because our language will be clear. That's something for which we can all be thankful this holiday season. Thank you very much.
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