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CONUS Archive
Dr. Jane Goodall
Primatologist Jane Goodall addresses a luncheon at the National Press Club.
(SUGGESTED TRANSCRIPT OF AUDIO) Unknown Speaker 00:00 For maintain that chimpanzees can be useful to help us solve human medical problems. But once we take this a step further, and start talking about similarities in the mind, and in the emotions, then this becomes this becomes something which is not properly hard science, and abused animals once you believe, or admit that they have personality, rational thought and emotions at varying levels according to the the development of their brain. And then you start to think of what goes on around us. Treat them in a way that we wouldn't even treat our worst criminals today. And these chimpanzees are not only innocent of crime, but they perhaps are helping to alleviate human suffering, at least, that is what people believe. Although there's no consensus on this, even among the scientist working on to Africa, chimpanzees are disappearing so fast, they're disappearing because their forest habitat is being destroyed by the increasing human population explosion. They're disappearing because they are hunted. In some areas, females are hunted so that babies can be taken from them and sold, but that trade is lessening, and far more. So many people say how can you care about chimpanzees or other animals, when there are so many human problems in these areas, we have to understand that you can't separate it out. The forest goes chimpanzees, gorillas and other animals go and eventually the human population will be faced with starvation. You know, we do love to point fingers, don't we face environmental problems? Are they my fault? No, of course, they're not the fault of industry, or scientists, or anybody but me. But if we're thinking about industry and its pollution, who is buying the products and using the products of that industry? I am, we are we suffer from what I call just me ism. All of us everyone in this room, I guarantee we don't go through a single day without doing something that we know is bad for the environment, just a little thing dropping a bit of trash leaving a light burning, or we don't do something we know we should. But how can it possibly matter? Because there are millions of people in the world? And I'm just one little person so what I do can't make any difference candidate. It's just me and anyway, nobody knows. And all around the world. There are millions of people all thinking the same if they think at all, it can't make any difference. It's just me. And anyway, nobody knows. Children because huge hundreds of countries, people like Ambassador Phillips could answer that poverty laws in place we all colonial times. But, you know, the political instability and its effects on one that somebody needs to talk to so many people, you find that some medications were
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