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Source | CONUS Archive |
Record ID | 275156 |
Story Slug | Desert Storm Victory Parade (1991) |
Location | WASHINGTON, DC |
Format | TVD |
Date | 6-8-1991 |
Archive Time | :14 |
TRT | 8:14 |
Video Description | Marching band, soldiers marching, carrying flags of the various military branches, soldiers in tank riding down street, onlookers, soldiers marching, military bands, tank rolling down street, humvee, missile towed, fighter jet towed down parade route, large crowd gathered, tank rolling down street, replica of stealth fighter towed on trailer, various military floats, equipment, WS large crowd filling the streets after the parade. |
Script | (SUGGESTED TRANSCRIPT OF AUDIO)00:01I marking elements, insists the Members of all the armed services assigned to United States Central01:51Command as remember Operation Desert Shield began August 7, 1990 with the order to deploy US military forces to Saudi Arabia. Three days later, heavy ground forces began boarding shifts for the voyage to the Middle East.02:40More than 60,000 Army National Guard and Army Reserve soldiers augmented 74 providing everything from An artfully brig to transportation companies and field hospitals.03:02You this division was the first heavy division in Saudi Arabia. It deployed with 94 helicopters,03:39three vehicles. Bands have deployed to Saudi Arabia with 26 orders On December 10, 199204:32airspace, a phased array radar can soon simultaneously conduct surveillance targets, A detection and tracking and supported missile guidance fire engine, mental guidance for mines in the dark with everyone ring04:48gun and mission. You.05:20Lieutenant05:26Colonel Lowell Eve William and the Tactical Air Command bear05:30facing Langley Air Force Base Virginia,05:33easily the most unusual strike fighter to fly in the Middle East. Ad Harrier, a vector trust jet that can take off vertically or from short fields even highways. Accountability enabled first the heavily armed AC 130 and on the ground the f1 17, still fighter. No better. Those who rode the great, great ships and search the sea and sky, no better. Those who will not return no better for them, for all that they gave, for all that was given, we raise our hand in high salute and remember. We remember before you as an F 15 Eagle, United States Air Force. The F 15 eagle is a all weather, extremely removable, supersonic fighter designed to gain and maintain air superiority in any hostile environment around the world. Floyd from the third armored and eighth infantry divisions to the Persian Gulf, the m1 a one, Abrams tank and the m2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. The Abrams tank is named after General Creighton W Abrams this tank is the Army's primary combat system for closing with and destroying enemy forces using mobility, firepower and shock action. The tank has been in production for 10 years. Almost 7000 have been built. A combat loaded tank weighs 67 times the tank's top speed is more than 40 miles per hour. The tank has 100 cooling Clinton, the f1 17 is the first aircraft to comply in cell technology to provision weapons fed delivery to the use of tactical supplies. The f1 17 helped ensure air superiority over the Iraqi side by destroying military command and control, bumpers, aircraft shelters, resoluble strategic targets in Baghdad, Iraq,07:35national guardian,07:41camouflage America, women07:42on the floor represents a great services, participating in operating at the store, an Air dread in desert sandwich, one without weapons working the08:04Wishing you a wonderful national Victory Day here in Washington, DC, the. |
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