
Footage Information

CONUS Archive
Hartz Flea Collar VNR (07/24/1996)
Pkg and Natsound
Various Mos's :44-:54, Bob Whitney, Former Deputy Surgeon General of the United States 1:23-1:47, Bill Perlberg, Vice President of Research and Development, The Hartz Mountain Corporation
Sot of woman, sot of man, sot of woman, cu of fleas, dogs and cats scratching themselves, dogs and cats with severe reactions, graphic of rating, sot of man, graphic of map, person attaching flea collar, person spraying bedding and home, shots of fleas, graphic of flea and its life cycle, sot of man, flea collar taken out of package, activated and placed on dog, dog being checked for fleas, happy dog.
LEAD: The detested flea is about to make a comeback for the season. To help us protect our pets and ourselves from these annoying parasites, a leading pet care company has issued a computer based, state-by-state flea rating. Each state is rated on a scale from one to five with five indicating an extremely high infestation. (Mos-woman: "They make my skin crawl, they're disgusting.") (Mos-man: "I have a nine month old daughter that just begun to crawl around the house. But if my dog has fleas it's nothing but problems and misery for me.") (Mos-woman: "I hate fleas. They give my cat horrible sores all over her body, especially towards her rear end and flaky skin.") Fleas are more than just a nuisance to pets and people. Not only do their bites cause severe itching, they can also result in serious health problems for animals such as allergic reactions, dermatitis, infections and anemia. To help pet owners better prepare for the onset of the flea season at home and wherever playing/walking they're traveling, the Hartz Mountain Corporation has issued the first-ever state-by-state flea rating along with advice on how to prevent an infestation. (Sot of Whitney: "Fleas thrive in states where the temperature ranges from 70 to 85 degrees where the relative humidity is 60 to 80 percent and a certain amount of precipitation.") Ten states received a five-flea rating with Arkansas heading the list followed by Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Hawaii, Texas, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Georgia and Tennessee. By knowing where flea infestations are most serious you can take effective precautions against an attack. According to pet experts, it is crucial to treat your pet, his bedding, your home and yard with products that destroy the flea in all stages of its life cycle. (Sot of Perlberg: "A flea infestation begins when adult fleas land on your dog or cat and begin to lay up to a thousand tiny white flea eggs each. These eggs will develop into larvae, which, if left unchecked, become pupae or cocoon. out of the cocoon comes a hungry young adult flea looking for a blood meal. It can jump onto your pet, take this blood meal and begin to lay a thousand tiny white flea eggs again.") (Sot of Whitney: "Fleas are notorious jumpers and merely killing the flea eggs by having your dog or cat ingest a pill once a month will not kill the adults. And if you take your pet to a state that has a high flea infestation they're going to become infested again. The products that do the best job kill the flea eggs and the adult fleas, like this new version of the flea collar. It contains an insect growth regulator, or IGR, to prevent the eggs from hatching. And rabon, and adult flea killer with a high safety profile for both.") To check your dog or cat for fleas: Watch for excessive scratching and biting, hair loss and irritated areas. Look for fleas on your pet behing his ears. Comb back the hair near his tail to check for fleas and examine his stomach. Even if you find only one flea, take action immediately and prevent your pet's suffering from a flea infestation. For more information and a free copy of the state-by-state flea rating, call a special flea control hotline: 1-800-275-1414.
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