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CONUS Archive
Margaret Tutwiler US State Department Spokesperson
(SUGGESTED TRANSCRIPT OF AUDIO) 00:08 Good morning. What I know it's another slow day. I don't have anything 00:14 Moscow about Lithuania, apparently increasing, at least the rhetorical pressure, as 00:20 we have said, What is needed is that a process begin that can result in a genuine dialog so that the situation can be handled in a peaceful manner. What is not needed is a further escalation of tensions. The President and Secretary Baker strongly stressed this to Foreign Minister Shevardnadze last week, when he was here, this remains the United States' policy that a process, a dialog, all handled in a peaceful manner that can meet the hopes and aspirations of the Lithuanian people. And 00:52 do you think that the statement by the 01:00 we warmly congratulate the Hungarian people on the successful completion of Hungary's first free parliamentary elections since 1945 we join with all Hungarians in celebrating this Triumph of democracy. The United States government looks forward to working with the new Hungarian government, 01:19 missing more than that, for the French hostages, 01:26 we welcome their release and urge these kidnappers to free the remaining hostages immediately and unconditionally. We also call upon the Hezbollah kidnappers who hold the American and other hostages to release them, these innocent people as well. Immediately and unconditionally, 01:44 distinction between the group which held these French hostages and group or groups holding American hostages. We 01:52 don't make a distinction in our principle and our policy, but my understanding is the hostages that were released were held by Abe nudal and the American hostages are held by Hezbollah 02:02 in the attempt to talk with the hostages once they're in French hands, to get any sort of clues as to our own hostages. 02:10 I haven't asked that question, but I would assume that either we would or the French would pass on to us information, etc. Margaret, 02:17 do you have anything to say about do you have anything to say about the role that Colonel Gaddafi played in securing the release of the hostages. 02:26 We call on any nation with influence over kidnappers to use it immediately to gain the release of the remaining hostages. Libya continues to host the avenue doll organization and provide it with support. We have repeatedly called on Libya to expel this group and end Libyan support for terrorism, as for far as Colonel Gaddafi, people everywhere should do what they can to end the barbaric practice of hostage taking basic civilized behavior requires nothing less 02:57 reaction on suspect paying a ransom by delivering some jet fighters. 03:02 I don't have a specific on the actions that the government of France may or may not have taken. I would refer you to their embassy here. As far as the United States is position against making concessions, it is well known we do not and will not make deals 03:20 from Syria, from not want to be repatriated into Nicaragua. Do we have a position on that 03:26 the United States government supports the voluntary repatriation and reintegration of resistance members into Nicaragua under secure and democratic conditions, with the recent elections having taken place, the prospects for such conditions existing are better now than ever. 03:44 What about those who refuse to go into Nicaragua? 03:48 That's a question that I would have to deal with later for today. On your question, on our policy, on the statements that were coming out saying coming to America, this is our policy statement on that. And a 03:59 second question, this is with regards to El Salvador, there's a an A Salvador, anything to that. 04:06 Am not aware of any new policy initiative that we are going to take. As you know, Secretary Baker was on the Hill a number of times over the last several weeks, working on a bipartisan approach. He did not have a specific proposal at that time, but was very strongly intent upon, as he did with the whole central American peace process, on working with Congress to pursue a bipartisan approach policy in El Salvador, but the specifics of which are not public at this time, 04:36 Margaret repatriation, yep. Do you mean to say that they are not welcome in this country? 04:40 I'm not going to answer that question. I'm going to answer that the United States government's position is that we support voluntary repatriation and reintegration of resistance members into Nicaragua, which has been consistent and has been our policy since the Bucha administration and the launching of the bipartisan accord. Central America. They don't choose to go there. If they don't choose to go there, that's a bridge I guess we'll cross at some future date that I'm not going to cross today. That's a hypothetical, and being speculative, we have always said I wasn't. And as you know, our policy is we don't normally comment on individual editorials. But I would like to make clear the term country of concern has no special meaning under us. Export control laws and regulations pertaining to nuclear missile or chemical and biological weapons exports and the Department of Commerce requires no such determination by the Department of State. I would also like to make clear that the United States does have serious concerns about Iraq's nuclear missile and CBW activities. The President has recently underscored these concerns where Iraq is concerned. Our policy is to deny the export of items intended for CBW nuclear or missile activities which fall on either the US Munitions List or the Commerce Department's commodity control list. 06:09 Spokesman saying that Mr. Gorbachev does not insist on repeal of Lithuania's independence declaration. The invitation 06:16 was it the mayor was in town and had requested through the bureau here if he could play see the Secretary of State. And of course, the Secretary was still like ruled 06:26 by decree from the center was by Gorbachev. Another idea.
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