
Footage Information

CONUS Archive
Pittsburgh, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Shot of Campbells bats and bowls; Campbells super-hero model; Mask; Campbells paintings; Various shots of Campbells' art.
35 years ago Andy Warhol painted the Campbell's Tomato Soup Can and sparked a revolution in the art world that inspired an entire generation of artists. Today.. Campbell's soup will honor the legend of Warhol with the announcement if its nationwide "Art of Soup" contest winner at The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh. The winner and three other finalists will achieve more than 15 minutes of fame when their winning entries are displayed alongside Warhol's original art during a special exhibition at the museum. A robot made completely from soup cans, a special pair of Campbell's ruby red slippers for Dorothy, with the tagline, "there's no taste like home," and a stained-glass lamp sculpted in the image of a Campbells soup can were among the thousands of entries submitted by artists ranging in age from preschool to 94 years old.
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