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The US Coast Guard in action during World War II. Images of US Coast Guard activity in support role during d War II in Europe and Asia.
Footage Information
Source | CONUS Archive |
Record ID | 324477 |
Location | VARIOUS |
Format | VO |
Date | 1/1/1942 |
Archive Time | 03:01:00 |
TRT | 10:49 |
Video Description | Black and white film (narration/music not licensable) angle down on churning sea water; angle on ship loudspeaker, all hands to battle stations; ext. deck, sailors race toward camera carrying gear; race up ladder, putting on life jackets; close angle, up metal rungs on side of ship, sailor grabs his helmet; various, sailors in helmets load shells into gun; angle up to sailor cranking his gun turret around, gazing up into sight; sailor looks through binoculars; angle up to airplane in distant sky; sailor with binoculars grabs foot of gunner, who fires gun with foot pedals; angle on gun firing shells; angle on plane flying through flack burst filled sky; various of same; dramatic shot towards front of boat, gunner in bow fires upward, foreground of ship covered in canvas, rough seas toss ship; various of same, ocean, dramatic shot, follow flaming airplane, crashes in sea; ext. ship deck, steep angle up to smiling sailors; WS angle on Coast Guard ship rocked by rough waters; angle on sailor looking through fixed binoculars on gun turret; various of flag men signaling on deck; ext. beach, Coast Guard sailors unload boxes onto landing ship; small picket boat passes bigger docked boats; ext. jungle, various of Coast Guard dog patrols walking down trail; ext. ocean, WS angle on 83 foot boat cutting through big waves; angle on side of ship, big buoy lowered over side, WS angle on Coast Guard weather ship; ext. deck, weather balloon released into air by sailor; ext. Guam air strip, Coast Guard Liberator cargo ship loaded by crew, various angles; WS follow Liberator taking off; POV ship in flotilla, WS angle on ships following; various of flotilla, many ships; int. below deck, ship, various of crew looking at maps, radar screen, talking on headset, turning wheel of ship; aerial angle down on big Navy transport ship cutting through ocean; closer angle down on troops massed on ship deck, bow; angle up to big assault transport ship; low angle across water to convoy of landing boats, angle on cargo ship; ext. dock, angle up to truck trailer being craned to dock; various angles on small Coast Guard shipping boat; ext. beach (Normandy?), big LST cruises onto sand shore; angle on LST, doors open, tank rolls out onto beach, soldiers foreground; angle down on LCI cutting through crowded bay; angle up to bridge; ext. beach, soldiers carrying guns and bazookas walk to shore through shallow water, landing ships bg; various POV Coast Guard cutter slicing through steep waves, angle on sailor sending Morse code; ext. ship deck, sailors in hoods brave winds; map of Greenland; ext. icy, rocky shores of Greenland, various, nice shots, ship foreground in placid Greenland bay; ship gun, U.S. flag foreground, Greenland ice covered mountain bg; int. meeting room, Danish and U.S. officers talk; U.S. ambassador escorted by military officers up pathway, Greenland town; angle on Greenland white population unloading flour sacks, crates; angle on Inuit women, children with supplies; ext. harbor, barren rocky hills above, ship in harbor, cryolite mine bg; various of cryolite mine, structures; man rappels down rocky wall; U.S. Coast Guard sailors in uniform guard mine with rifles; various of U.S. Coast Guard surveyors with gear making new chart of Greenland, on rocky plateau; angle on seaplane in water; WS angle on seaplane taxiing in Greenland harbor; wood frame drops on rocky slope, revealing newly installed 3 inch cannon; angle on officers; angle on 3 inch gun, fires into harbor, snowy mountains bg, shell expelled towards camera, two crewmen; ext. barren slope, with captured Nazi wood frame weather stations; int. station, Danish officers at control panel, one smokes cigarette, the other a pipe, CU newspaper headline, THREE GERMAN ARCTIC EXPEDITIONS BROKEN UP BY U.S. COAST GUARD; News of the Day newsreel headline, U.S. COAST GUARD ROUTS NAZIS IN GREENLAND!; (EDITED NEWSREEL) various WS pan icebergs along Greenland shore; angle from ship deck, cutting through ice floes; angle on icebreaker; angle on Coast Guard cutter stuck in ice, crew stand on ice; angle on crew rolling depth bomb across ice, mountains on horizon; close angle on depth bomb lowered into cut in ice; explosion breaks up ice near cutter; WS angle on Nazi trawler on horizon; angle on sailors firing ship cannon; small rowboat sets out for Greenland shore; angle on Coast Guard sailors jumping from rowboat to Greenland ice; various of Coast Guard sailors with guns exploring Greenland ice fields, angle on Greenland ice cave behind ice; silhouetted Nazi soldiers, arms in air, walk through wind driven snow (staged?); angle on captured German soldiers; ext. ocean, angle down on line of small boats filled with captured German sailors from trawler off Greenland; various of German officers boarding ship; angle on captured Germans on ship deck; angle to bow of Coast Guard ship cutting through high seas; various of flotilla in waves; WS on burning, sinking Nazi sub; angle on U.S. crew gazing outward from deck; various of Coast Guard cutters in big waves; ship on horizon sends flash signals; various of sailors on deck; CU signalman sending signals; various of ship deck, sailors fire depth charges off side of ship; explode in water; sailors look through binoculars; various of sailors looking through binoculars, big guns firing, dramatic explosions in ocean water; various of Coast Guard ships cutting through water; big ships docked; various of medal awards ceremony, officer pins medals on Coast Guard sailors. |
Description | The US Coast Guard in action during World War II. Images of US Coast Guard activity in support role during d War II in Europe and Asia. |
Not everything listed in the CONUS Archive is necessarily licensable. Reporter sound/image is not licensable |