
Footage Information

CONUS Archive
Shuttle Atlantis Launch (2006)
Cape Canaveral, Florida
Cape Canaveral, Florida, launch pad, Press Site, WS looking just over a small crowd of people who have gathered to watch the shuttle Atlantis' launch while we see the shuttle on the launch pad in the distance, a large digital timer/clock stands next to the people and is in the process of counting down as just over a minute remains before launch, a tall flag pole with a waving American flag on it stands beside the crowd, intermittent VO from the control center as the countdown procedures continue, we see the huge plumes of white smoke just over the trees as we watch the shuttle head into the sky behind a bunch of white clouds, the shuttle appears again just above some clouds, launch pad, tight MS from a side view of the shuttle Atlantis as it stands on the launch pad about 40 seconds before launch, intermittent VO from the control center as the countdown procedures continue, great shot of the huge white clouds coming toward us just after the shuttle's engines ignite, tight shot of the shuttle Atlantis' three main engines on its rear, much steam/smoke appearing as it stands on the launch pad about 30 seconds before liftoff, intermittent VO from the control center as the countdown procedures continue, sparks fire out from small parts located on the base of the scaffold as the sparks shoot directly under the shuttle's three main engines and ignite the engines, the engines roar as the external tank ignites and lifts the shuttle into the sky, our view is blocked by the huge plumes of smoke, tight MS of the shuttle Atlantis as its orbiter's back faces us while it stands on the launch pad about a minute and a half from liftoff, intermittent VO from the control center as the countdown procedures continue, the engines ignite and the shuttle lifts off while our view is blocked by the huge plumes of white smoke.
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