
Footage Information

U.S. Women's Army Corps (WAC) personnel learn to live in arctic environment and visit different parts of the world
The role of women in the United States Army. A tent in snow. WAC maneuvers in arctic conditions.A woman soldier brings plates outside the tent. Women wash the plates. Women wear arctic protective gear. A woman wears skis. Women learn skiing. Women learn to wear ski shoes. A woman loads pack on the back of another woman. Women march on snow. Woman cook. Tokyo: Women site seeing. Woman in a hand rickshaw. Woman bargains with the shopkeeper. Paris: women walk in pairs. View of the Eiffel tower. Women view the statue of Venus de Milo. Women skiing. Women watch ice hockey. Germany: Women stationed near Garmisch-Partenkirchen ride in a mountain cable car and arriving at a mountain top station (this appears to be the wooden cable car from BadReichenhall to Predigstuhl Mountain, sometimes called the Grand Dame of the Alps). Women work in office. Women treat soldiers in dispensary. Nurse teaches soldier to walk. Woman take x ray of a soldier. Location: United States USA. Date: 1954.
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female soldiers
United States USA
Women's Army Corps
women learn skiing
Eiffel tower
Venus de Milo