
Footage Information

Malta during World War II
Film begins showing young school children on Malta, walking, through streets littered with rubble, on their way to an outdoor school during World War 2. . Several scenes of the children at school. They line up outside a building and then proceed to their outdoor classrooms, all of which have desks for them. Several scenes focusing on the children in various outdoor settings. British sailors move a torpedo on a transporter to arm a British Navy Fairey Swordfish biplane torpedo bomber. They roll the torpedo underneath the aircraft to fasten it in place. Naval aviators discuss the mission. A swordfish plane starts its engine. Sailors move munitions from storage in medieval moats, through walled passage ways to arm the aircraft. They load a torpedo onto a Bristol Beaufort twin engine torpedo bomber. The Beaufort bomber starts engines, taxis, and takes off. It is followed by two Hawker Hurricane fighter aircraft. Malta defenders with anti-aircraft guns in positions under camouflage netting. One with binoculars scans the sky for enemy aircraft. He speaks into a radio. Air raid alarms sound, and civilians run to shelters, as the military mans anti-aircraft guns. Fighter pilots run to their aircraft. A Fairy Firefly fighter plane is seen readied and waiting for a pilot. Closeup of pilot climbing into cockpit. Anti-aircraft gun crew mans its gun. Farm workers pause and look skyward. Anti-aircraft guns firing. Axis aircraft downed by anti-aircraft fire, crashes in explosion. Guns fire at a German Heinkel 111 bombers. Bombs exploding on the ground. Civilians seen in a bomb shelter. Numerous bombs striking all across a city. People emerging from their shelters after the raids. Newspaper front page shows George VI and notes that he has awarded Malta the George Cross. Boys running to distribute the papers. A florist shop owner places flowers on display outside his shop. Location: Malta. Date: 1943.
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Children attend outdoor schools
British sailors arm a Fairey Swordfish biplane with a torpedo
Sailors move munitions from storage in ancient moats
Bristol Beaufort twin engine torpedo bomber
Hawker Hurricane fighter aircraft
Air raid alarms sound
German Heinkel 111 bombers
News paper reports King VI awards Malta the George Cross