
Footage Information

People going to Church and to a watch a neighborhood baseball game in South Bronx in New York City.
View out front of moving subway train as it passes by in South Bronx in New York City. Families, many of hispanic, Latin American, Puerto Rican descent, in crowded streets. Families go to Church. A man washing a car. People sing and play tambourines and enjoy themselves. Children enjoy playing in water that is spraying from fountains. View of Bethany Christian Mission church with wooden cross hanging out front. View of Iglesia Pentecostal Estrella de Oriente. A man playing a guitar. Crowds gathered to watch a baseball game at St Mary's Park. Many people speaking in Spanish. An airplane passes low over the streets. Family sits on balcony and fire escape of an apartment building. A young man flies a small kite from the roof of the building. Chalk writing on street reads, Puerto Rico. Clouds gather in the sky and clothes on clothes line move with wind. Location: South Bronx New York City USA. Date: 1965.
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South Bronx
South Bronx New York City USA
Bronx County
baseball match