
Footage Information

Malcolm X expresses his views on future of African Americans, in an interview on civil rights movement in the United States.
Doctor Kenneth Clark, Professor of Psychology at the City College of New York; Director of Fallen Youth Opportunities Unlimited and Research Director, North Pride Center for Interpretation, interviews Malcolm X on civil right movement of African Americans. Malcolm X expresses his views on future for blacks in America. Malcolm X talks of the need for white people to be in discussion with leaders of the Muslim religion. He says that white leaders need to hear God's analysis. He talks of an oncoming racial explosion due to dissatisfaction of black people. He talks of need for black people to separate from the whites and to be on their own land. He says that complete separation is the only solution to the black and white problem in the country. Location: United States USA. Date: 1963.
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Civil rights movement
United States USA
Malcolm X
Doctor Kenneth Clark
future of African Americans in America