
Footage Information

World's Champion Horseshoe pitcher, Ted Allen, demonstrates skills, after his win in Moline, Illinois
Approximately 20 contestants, dressed in white, are seen at horseshoe pitching lanes in a fenced enclosure. Spectators are seated in bleachers nearby. A stray dog wanders in the foreground. View of the spectators (mostly men). View of a shoe landing as a ringer. View from the pins as a contestant throws five shoes at four pins. One shoe appears to have landed closed against the first pin. The remaining four are all ringers. In a complete change of scene, Ted Allen, wearing a sweater emblazoned with his name and title: "World's Champion," gives a demonstration. He throws four ringers at one pin, while an intrepid assistant leans over, with his hand atop the pin, confident that he won't be hit by one of the horseshoes. Final view is a closeup of Ted Allen posing with his face framed by a horseshoe. (Note: Ted Allen was born in Kansas. His family moved to Colorado in 1922; to Oregon in 1932; to California in 1933; and finally back to Colorado, in 1936.) Location: Moline Illinois USA. Date: September 4, 1935.
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Ted Allen
Moline Illinois USA
World's Champion
Precision horsehoe pitching demonstration
Horseshoe pitching