
Footage Information

Silver iodide cartridges loaded in bomb racks of planes during operation Storm fury at Roosevelt Roads in Puerto Rico
Project Storm fury at Roosevelt Roads Naval air station in Ceiba, Puerto Rico. Crew members stand near the tail section of EC-121 plane at Roosevelt Roads Naval air station with another EC-121 plane in the background. A ladder leads up to the hatch of EC-121 aircraft. Chief Petty Officer and a civilian engineer opens silver iodide cases next to a RA-3B plane on the line with overcast sky in the background. Cartridges placed in small bomb racks. Men hand over the cartridges to someone in the bomb bay. CPO places a wooden box of silver iodide canisters. He opens the lid and removes canisters. Iodide racks placed in bomb bay. Men use speed wrench to secure the racks on bomb bay. Men off load silver iodide cases from a yellow pick up truck. Location: Ceiba Puerto Rico. Date: August 30, 1966.
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Chief Petty Officer
Ceiba Puerto Rico
RA 3B aircraft
silver iodides
Project Storm Fury