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Meningitis Outbreak in Northumberland County
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Scenes of pedestrians in Cobourg and Port Hope where a meningitis outbreak led to the death of a student at the Trinity College private school and subsequent contact tracing and vaccination programs. In Lindsay, residents stand in line to receive a vaccine. PLEASE NOTE News anchor and reporter image and audio, along with any commercial production excerpts, are for reference purposes only and are not clearable and cannot be used within your project.


1980s 1989 Adrian Smith antibiotic antibiotics boarding school Canada Canadian Canadians care Cobourg contact tracing crowd crowds death deaths delay delays died disease diseases doctor doctors Don Mikel dosage dose drug drugs file group groups health high school illness Lindsay line lineup lines lineup long medical medication medications medicinal medicine medicines meds meningitis Northumberland County Ontario outbreak outbreaks pedestrian pedestrians pharmaceutic pharmaceutical pharmaceuticals physician physicians pills Port Hope queue queues Rodger Wright row rows slow student students tablet tablets up ups vaccination vaccinations vaccine vaccines wait waiting walk walking wellness