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Teenage Boy Arrested for Attempting to Murder a Cop
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A teenage boy from Toronto, Steven Mock, is escorted into a prison by police after he was arrested for attempting to murder a police officer during a traffic stop. Police officers investigate the scene of the shooting as their cars block traffic from entering the street. Brief photo of officer Peter Vincent who was saved by a bullet proof vest during the shooting. PLEASE NOTE News anchor and reporter image and audio, along with any commercial production excerpts, are for reference purposes only and are not clearable and cannot be used within your project.


1990s 1992 aftermath aftermaths arrest arrested arrests attempted murder attempted murders automobile automobiles boy boys bullet proof Canada Canadian Canadians car cars cop cops crime crimes handcuff handcuffed handcuffs investigate investigating investigation investigations jail jails law law enforcement officer officers Ontario order Peter Vincent police policeman policemen prison prisoner prisoners prisons scene scenes shooting shootings Steven Mock teen teenage teenager teenagers teens Toronto transportation uniform uniforms vest vests