
Footage Information

F.I.L.M Archives
Film Original
45 MIN
Graduation ceremony (late 1950s). President speaks at graduation. Graduates under tent. Graduates file up to receive diplomas. Shot of special medal award. Graduates receiving diplomas. Graduates file by camera (late 1950s, early 1960s). Graduates on campus. Parents take photos of various graduates. Graduates after ceremony. Graduate holds up program for first commencement (6/16/41). SPRING 1939 Pan up flag. Pan across campus. Students in library (bus on grounds). Gym class, boys toss huge ball (medicine ball!). Boys play volleyball. Girls play basketball. Shot of campus. Boys and girls do square dance on campus, instructor claps along. Girls dance around in gym (Isadora Duncan-style). Boys in sack race. Boys handed goofy prizes. School newspaper. Students talking on campus. Students sing in recital class. Professor shows skeleton. Boys play steal the flag-type game. Tug of war. Mobs try to get at pole, mobs watered with hoses. Science class in session. Professor lectures. Class raises hands. Girls meet after class. Students in library at copier machine. Girl selects book. Girl reads to group sitting on lawn. Girls assemble to go somewhere. Group of boys applaud. Boys pile up on top of each other. Pan of campus. Professor on phone at desk. Professor working at desk. Secretary at desk. Shot of New York City from campus. Shot of 1940 World's Fair site. 1940 Students ready for graduation ceremony. Graduation speaker. Students and faculty march out for ceremony. President speaks. Dramatic sky. 1940 Graduation ceremony. Graduation speakers. Graduates march in. Flag flies high. Girls dance class on lawn. Do hop-like ballet dance in blue gym dress (ODD). Boys struggle up pole to get flag. Students in bull suit in snow. Girls dance Irish jig in snow. Students snowball fight. Dance class. All girls do European-type and other ethnic dances. GIRLS SWOON AT JUNIOR PROM Prom king reads announcement. Crooner sings at microphone. HELL WEEK TAKES OVER AGAIN Students put on clown performance on lawn. Girls sing song on lawn. Girls in traditional costume do dance. Boy stage goofy clown wrestling match. Spectators watch antics. Girls do song and dance number. Guy enters tent marked strip poker in raincoats (ODD, NICE), take off raincoats to reveal chorus girl outfits and do leggy number. Guys clown into car. Student in funny nose and glasses. Guys in drag show.