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Orchestra playing. Bassoonists, oboists, and French horn players playing their respective instruments. Percussion section (timpani, bass, clapping cymbals). CU tuning fork. Mallet hits tuning fork which produces concentric sonic waves (animation). Sonic waves displayed as air molecules (animation). Explanation of wavelength of sound wave (animation). Oscillograph charting sound waves (animation). Showing amplitude of sound wave (animation). Demonstration of amplitude of sound waves (animation). Three different sized tuning forks (different pitch). Three different sized tuning forks struck by mallet. Demonstration of frequency of sound waves (animation). Female violinists. Girl playing violin. CU cello being bowed. Demonstrations of sound waves produced by taut string (animation). Oscilloscope. CU oscilloscope display. Girl playing violin. Showing cymbal vibration (animation). Man playing pipe organ. Organ pipes. CU organ keyboard being played. Showing vocal mechanism of man (animation). Orchestra playing (different views). Harpist playing.
Footage Information
Source | F.I.L.M Archives |
Title | SOUND |
Reel | Film Original |
TimeCode | 10 MIN |
Shot | Orchestra playing. Bassoonists, oboists, and French horn players playing their respective instruments. Percussion section (timpani, bass, clapping cymbals). CU tuning fork. Mallet hits tuning fork which produces concentric sonic waves (animation). Sonic waves displayed as air molecules (animation). Explanation of wavelength of sound wave (animation). Oscillograph charting sound waves (animation). Showing amplitude of sound wave (animation). Demonstration of amplitude of sound waves (animation). Three different sized tuning forks (different pitch). Three different sized tuning forks struck by mallet. Demonstration of frequency of sound waves (animation). Female violinists. Girl playing violin. CU cello being bowed. Demonstrations of sound waves produced by taut string (animation). Oscilloscope. CU oscilloscope display. Girl playing violin. Showing cymbal vibration (animation). Man playing pipe organ. Organ pipes. CU organ keyboard being played. Showing vocal mechanism of man (animation). Orchestra playing (different views). Harpist playing. |