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Muscleman flexes arm. Triangle shape. Microscope. Camera zooms into top of microscope. The ovum cell. Swarm of sperm swim toward the ovum. One sperm enters ovum. Images of two colorful shapes join together. A decoratively colored square appears over the ovum drawing with a silhouette of an adult figure on it. Camera zooms in on the silhouette. A cell is divided into more and more cells. Close up on one of the colorful cells (mostly blue). Close up on a cluster of cells as they transform into an embryo. The embryo continues to develop into a fetus, surrounded by colorful background. CU on baby's face (eyes are open in utero). Drawings of baby being born. The baby is lifted from mother's body, baby cries in hands of doctor, baby rests while wrapped in blanket. The drawing of sleeping baby is transformed into live action baby. <LIVE ACTION FOOTAGE FOLLOWS> Deer in wilderness with baby deer. Bird on branch feeds baby birds. Raccoon. Bear walks through woods. <ANIMATION FOLLOWS> Triangle image with illustration of baby inside. Baby transforms into toddler, walks over to little girl playing with blocks. Little boy knocks over the blocks. Little girl hits him over the head with toy bucket. Both children cry. Little boy plays with yo-yo while little girl watches. Little boy and girl begin to grow taller, girl sprouts higher than the boy. The tall girl and shorter boy dance, boy looks unhappy. Boy has another growth spurt and reaches girl's height. Boy's foot grows in length. Boy's hands grow in length. Boy's ears grow bigger at the sides of his head. Boy looks startled to see something. Girl, with buxom figure, pats her hairdo flirtatiously. Boy swings baseball bat and winds around like a corkscrew. Girl stumble over her feet and falls. Boy turns screwdriver into small machine while girl takes cake out of oven. A spring pops out of boy's machine and the cake falls, both boy and girl are startled. Boy and girl sit in classroom desks, girl opens compact and powders nose while boy swats at a fly. Boys all dressed alike form a cluster and girls, also dressed alike, form a separate cluster. At a soda fountain counter, boy and girl move from one end to the middle until seated next to each other, sip soda with two straws. Boy flexes muscle in mirror while girl rolls hair into curlers in mirror. Boy and girl dance to rock music, CU on feet doing various dance steps. Young man steps out of the triangle, reaches down to pull young woman out with him. Young couple stroll together, followed by another couple (boy listens to transistor radio and snaps fingers), a bookworm-type reading a book while walking, a burly baseball player carrying a bat, a cheerleader, a chubby guy eating a sandwich several feet high who then clutches his stomach and breaks out in pimples. Boy and girl in front seat of old jalopy, it breaks down, boy loses temper. Boy offers girl popcorn from a container, she places hand in and removes a kernel, eats it. The triangle dances around. The End.
Footage Information
Source | F.I.L.M Archives |
Title | STEPS |
Reel | Film Original |
TimeCode | 6 MIN |
Shot | Muscleman flexes arm. Triangle shape. Microscope. Camera zooms into top of microscope. The ovum cell. Swarm of sperm swim toward the ovum. One sperm enters ovum. Images of two colorful shapes join together. A decoratively colored square appears over the ovum drawing with a silhouette of an adult figure on it. Camera zooms in on the silhouette. A cell is divided into more and more cells. Close up on one of the colorful cells (mostly blue). Close up on a cluster of cells as they transform into an embryo. The embryo continues to develop into a fetus, surrounded by colorful background. CU on baby's face (eyes are open in utero). Drawings of baby being born. The baby is lifted from mother's body, baby cries in hands of doctor, baby rests while wrapped in blanket. The drawing of sleeping baby is transformed into live action baby. |