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14:43:19:17, Man tunes Violin. Men come in and change scenery, violinist tunes up on bench, gets, up, fat dowager sits on bench, violinist sits on her, fat woman pushes violinist, off bench, stage manager comes out of office, Fat woman holds back violinist, . West plays violin, Woman drags violinist away, Woman thrown down by manager,, Violinist applauds, manager throws woman out of audition, call over old woman, singer who punches manager as she sings, Manager rips up her music and throws her, off stage, dog barks to music Hardy starts to weep, man takes pratfall. Man plays violin for audition, CU:, barks. Scenery falls, dog wags tail, violinist forlorn and sulks away, dog tags, along, dog runs after violinist, man runs from dog,men run after violinist, dog, runs dragging trunk behind it, dog grabs violin case. Manager beats up man (goofy),, throws him over fence (wild, exaggerated fight, great) Man catches violin case,, hugs it, dog paws man, boy tries to take something from little girl, little boy, tries to get it back and socks bigger boy (bully), fight. RUNNING: Movers chase, after trunk. Make man carry it back. kick man in butt, man unloads trunk on mover's, foot, man tries to get violin case from dog, chases dog running w/ case, dog knocks, down manager, manager wipes street w/ man (beaten badly). Boy tries to take girls, lolly pop, Kids fight over girls lolly, man breaks up fight, cleans up little boy,, gang of boys throw vegetables at man and boy (pelting them w/ garbage), Man hit in, face w/ tomato, boys pile on man and kid (gang violence). Huge gang of boys piles, on man. Hardy comes to help. Kids jump Hardy, he fights them off, Hardy takes after, violinist from front of car, man tips hat to woman, little kid rundown by car on, street, violinist and woman race to help, put kid on bed, Man (Hardy) breaks down door, violinist climbs out window and hangs from laundry, line, Hardy pulls line in, man climbs up wall to roof, pushes chimney onto Hardy,, Man falls through skylight, barricades door w/ table and furniture. Hardy smashes, violin over West's head. Man tries to get out of barricaded apartment, Hardy starts, choking violinist, Hardy violently shakes west's hand. Hardy gives girl contract
Footage Information
Source | F.I.L.M Archives |
Title | COMEDY CAPERS; 1920S |
Reel | S-193 |
TimeCode | See Shot |
Shot | 14:43:19:17, Man tunes Violin. Men come in and change scenery, violinist tunes up on bench, gets, up, fat dowager sits on bench, violinist sits on her, fat woman pushes violinist, off bench, stage manager comes out of office, Fat woman holds back violinist, . West plays violin, Woman drags violinist away, Woman thrown down by manager,, Violinist applauds, manager throws woman out of audition, call over old woman, singer who punches manager as she sings, Manager rips up her music and throws her, off stage, dog barks to music Hardy starts to weep, man takes pratfall. Man plays violin for audition, CU:, barks. Scenery falls, dog wags tail, violinist forlorn and sulks away, dog tags, along, dog runs after violinist, man runs from dog,men run after violinist, dog, runs dragging trunk behind it, dog grabs violin case. Manager beats up man (goofy),, throws him over fence (wild, exaggerated fight, great) Man catches violin case,, hugs it, dog paws man, boy tries to take something from little girl, little boy, tries to get it back and socks bigger boy (bully), fight. RUNNING: Movers chase, after trunk. Make man carry it back. kick man in butt, man unloads trunk on mover's, foot, man tries to get violin case from dog, chases dog running w/ case, dog knocks, down manager, manager wipes street w/ man (beaten badly). Boy tries to take girls, lolly pop, Kids fight over girls lolly, man breaks up fight, cleans up little boy,, gang of boys throw vegetables at man and boy (pelting them w/ garbage), Man hit in, face w/ tomato, boys pile on man and kid (gang violence). Huge gang of boys piles, on man. Hardy comes to help. Kids jump Hardy, he fights them off, Hardy takes after, violinist from front of car, man tips hat to woman, little kid rundown by car on, street, violinist and woman race to help, put kid on bed, Man (Hardy) breaks down door, violinist climbs out window and hangs from laundry, line, Hardy pulls line in, man climbs up wall to roof, pushes chimney onto Hardy,, Man falls through skylight, barricades door w/ table and furniture. Hardy smashes, violin over West's head. Man tries to get out of barricaded apartment, Hardy starts, choking violinist, Hardy violently shakes west's hand. Hardy gives girl contract |