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15:00:25:00,Lumberjacks protest outside payroll office, Lumberjacks throw rocks through window, Douglas, a wealthy businessman argues with contractors in office, Contractor makes threat to Douglas while he leaves, Douglas writes check, Lumber Jacks shout at Douglas, Douglas gives speech about business, Men with guns threaten Douglas, Douglas punches Man with gun, Douglas gives Men a pep rally, Partner tears up check, Douglas shakes hands with Yukon Burns, Douglas punches out Man with gun, Douglas throws wet towel in fallen Man's face, Douglas talks with Daisy, a fancy Woman, pays her, Douglas kisses Daisy, leaves her, Douglas negotiates with Yukon, Train passes, Douglas with partner on train, CU horse shoe charm on Douglas' chain, Lumber Men complain to Government agent. Read law, Douglas listens in, dressed fancy, Woman shouts from across the muddy street, Yukon holds off mob with gun, Douglas carries woman across muddy street. She pays him, Woman invites Douglas to supper, Douglas and partner walk across muddy frontier street, Giant Redwood forest, Douglas and Yukon ride in buggy through forest, Douglas throws knife into tree, Douglas measures diameter of giant tree, Sister Chadwick greets Douglas and Yukon, Sister Chadwick leads Douglas and Yukon to remote farm house, Douglas greets Pioneers at cabin, Man gives speech about trees, Douglas, Yukon has supper with Pioneer family, Douglas reads from the bible before meal, Douglas opens bottle of whiskey, pours for Yukon and self, Douglas argues with Yukon in fancy office, Yukon punches Douglas, Douglas on floor smoking cigar, Douglas and Sister Chadwick talk among trees, Douglas kisses Sister Chadwick, Shot of giant tree, Ship arriving in port, Lumber men on deck of ship, Men coming off ship, Lumber men arriving in town, storm land office, Douglas in land office for land take over, Yukon holds up Men with gun, Douglas knocks gun away, Douglas and Yukon fight in office, Douglas knocks Yukon into window, Douglas grabs partner, shoves him out the door, Pioneers have church service among big trees, Yukon speaks before congregation, Man gets out of buggy, Judge offers Marshal post to Yukon, Shot of mail baskets, out going mail, Claim letters placed in basket, Sister Chadwick with cat walks into post office, night, Cat jumps on desk, Sister Chadwick locks door, Yukon knocks on door with dogs, Sister Chadwick lets him in, Dogs bark at cat, chase it out window. Start fire, Fire in post office, Men in street watch post office burn, Douglas watches fire, Douglas argues with Yukon, Judge and sister Chadwick, Tall pines falling, Saw mill whistle blowing, Men chopping giant trees, Trees falling, Men rolling logs, Men floating logs on river, Judge pounds gavel at out door trial about logging, Douglas fined for contempt, Douglas hands over lucky horse shoe, Men cutting trees. Trees falling, Logs rolled into river, Men floating logs down river, Douglas argues with Men in office, Men plot by campfire, Douglas with Men, argues over contract in office, Stage pulls up in front of saloon, Douglas driving stage full of prostitutes, Men in saloon with prostitutes, Douglas kisses Daisy, Daisy signs contracts, CU signing, Sister Chadwick talks to Douglas at door, Douglas argues with Daisy, Roulette wheel spins, Saloon, Daisy does burlesque song and dance. Dances on bar, Men in saloon cheer, Douglas' partner pours Champagne for Daisy, Daisy cusses Douglas' partner, storms off, Men plot in woods, Douglas shows up, makes threats, Man threatens Douglas with gun, Judge and Men in ruins of Post Office, discus what to do, Judge reads notice, Pioneers in forest church. Choir singing, Preacher preaches to congregation, Men with guns chase pioneers out of cabin, Men cutting tree, Sister Chadwick talks with father in cabin, Douglas rides up to logging sight, Sister Chadwick rides up in buggy, Tree falling, Douglas races to get Man out of house, Tree falls on house. Crushing it, Men run to pull man out of wrecked house, Douglas finds dead Preacher, Douglas fights with men, Men haul Douglas away, Douglas thanks sister Chadwick, Douglas chases partner through woods, across foot bridge, Douglas and partner fight on food bridge, Douglas knocks partner into river, Sister Chadwick talks to Marshal Yukon about Douglas, Men with guns plot against Douglas, Shady Man enters saloon. Spots Douglas. Walks with gun behind back, Douglas argues in office with Sister Chadwick, Man with rifle waits in window for Douglas, Douglas lights cigarette, Men wait in dark street for Douglas, Partner aims rifle, Yukon shot coming out of saloon. Crowd gathers, Sister Chadwick with Douglas at grave. Argue morals, Douglas kneels over grave, Douglas paces in office, answers door, Douglas argues with Judge in office, Judge gives Douglas his Horse shoe, Daisy looking in mirror, Douglas kisses Daisy, Douglas and Daisy argue, Loggers at wagon canteen, Douglas gives fight speech to pioneers, Men working on railroad, Villains spy on railroad workers, Train loaded with logs, Woman climbs onto caboose, Sister Chadwick writes in book, Villains saw trestle timbers, Man spies from woods, Lumber Train crosses trestle, Villain shoots rifle, Villains find hat, Wounded man runs through woods, Villains creep up on train, Villain releases brake on caboose, locks door, Villain separates train cars. Train rolls, Sister Chadwick locked in run away train, Workers spot wounded Man. He tells of sabotage, Douglas runs through logging camp, Logging train races by, Douglas leaps from rocks onto speeding train, Douglas jumps from car to car atop train, Douglas makes it to caboose, separates cars, turns brake, Log cars race across trestle, Collapses, CU sparking train wheel as Douglas turns brake, Caboose just misses going over trestle, Men with dynamite, go to destroy dam, Men cross foot bridge, Men with guns surround Villains, Women Grab gun from Villain, Woman clubs him with stone, Man aims rifle, stopped by villain, Douglas and Men plant dynamite in dam, Villain shoots man from dam, Man slides on wire, knocks Villain into river, Douglas lights fuse, Men cross log bridge, Douglas climbs ravine. Villain kicks him at the top, Douglas and Villain fight along edge of ravine, Fuse burns on dynamite, Douglas flips Villain over ravine into river, Dam explodes, Logs flow down stream, Pioneers going to church in woods
Footage Information
Source | F.I.L.M Archives |
Title | WESTERN; 1952 |
Reel | 2191B, 2192B |
TimeCode | See Shot |
Shot | 15:00:25:00,Lumberjacks protest outside payroll office, Lumberjacks throw rocks through window, Douglas, a wealthy businessman argues with contractors in office, Contractor makes threat to Douglas while he leaves, Douglas writes check, Lumber Jacks shout at Douglas, Douglas gives speech about business, Men with guns threaten Douglas, Douglas punches Man with gun, Douglas gives Men a pep rally, Partner tears up check, Douglas shakes hands with Yukon Burns, Douglas punches out Man with gun, Douglas throws wet towel in fallen Man's face, Douglas talks with Daisy, a fancy Woman, pays her, Douglas kisses Daisy, leaves her, Douglas negotiates with Yukon, Train passes, Douglas with partner on train, CU horse shoe charm on Douglas' chain, Lumber Men complain to Government agent. Read law, Douglas listens in, dressed fancy, Woman shouts from across the muddy street, Yukon holds off mob with gun, Douglas carries woman across muddy street. She pays him, Woman invites Douglas to supper, Douglas and partner walk across muddy frontier street, Giant Redwood forest, Douglas and Yukon ride in buggy through forest, Douglas throws knife into tree, Douglas measures diameter of giant tree, Sister Chadwick greets Douglas and Yukon, Sister Chadwick leads Douglas and Yukon to remote farm house, Douglas greets Pioneers at cabin, Man gives speech about trees, Douglas, Yukon has supper with Pioneer family, Douglas reads from the bible before meal, Douglas opens bottle of whiskey, pours for Yukon and self, Douglas argues with Yukon in fancy office, Yukon punches Douglas, Douglas on floor smoking cigar, Douglas and Sister Chadwick talk among trees, Douglas kisses Sister Chadwick, Shot of giant tree, Ship arriving in port, Lumber men on deck of ship, Men coming off ship, Lumber men arriving in town, storm land office, Douglas in land office for land take over, Yukon holds up Men with gun, Douglas knocks gun away, Douglas and Yukon fight in office, Douglas knocks Yukon into window, Douglas grabs partner, shoves him out the door, Pioneers have church service among big trees, Yukon speaks before congregation, Man gets out of buggy, Judge offers Marshal post to Yukon, Shot of mail baskets, out going mail, Claim letters placed in basket, Sister Chadwick with cat walks into post office, night, Cat jumps on desk, Sister Chadwick locks door, Yukon knocks on door with dogs, Sister Chadwick lets him in, Dogs bark at cat, chase it out window. Start fire, Fire in post office, Men in street watch post office burn, Douglas watches fire, Douglas argues with Yukon, Judge and sister Chadwick, Tall pines falling, Saw mill whistle blowing, Men chopping giant trees, Trees falling, Men rolling logs, Men floating logs on river, Judge pounds gavel at out door trial about logging, Douglas fined for contempt, Douglas hands over lucky horse shoe, Men cutting trees. Trees falling, Logs rolled into river, Men floating logs down river, Douglas argues with Men in office, Men plot by campfire, Douglas with Men, argues over contract in office, Stage pulls up in front of saloon, Douglas driving stage full of prostitutes, Men in saloon with prostitutes, Douglas kisses Daisy, Daisy signs contracts, CU signing, Sister Chadwick talks to Douglas at door, Douglas argues with Daisy, Roulette wheel spins, Saloon, Daisy does burlesque song and dance. Dances on bar, Men in saloon cheer, Douglas' partner pours Champagne for Daisy, Daisy cusses Douglas' partner, storms off, Men plot in woods, Douglas shows up, makes threats, Man threatens Douglas with gun, Judge and Men in ruins of Post Office, discus what to do, Judge reads notice, Pioneers in forest church. Choir singing, Preacher preaches to congregation, Men with guns chase pioneers out of cabin, Men cutting tree, Sister Chadwick talks with father in cabin, Douglas rides up to logging sight, Sister Chadwick rides up in buggy, Tree falling, Douglas races to get Man out of house, Tree falls on house. Crushing it, Men run to pull man out of wrecked house, Douglas finds dead Preacher, Douglas fights with men, Men haul Douglas away, Douglas thanks sister Chadwick, Douglas chases partner through woods, across foot bridge, Douglas and partner fight on food bridge, Douglas knocks partner into river, Sister Chadwick talks to Marshal Yukon about Douglas, Men with guns plot against Douglas, Shady Man enters saloon. Spots Douglas. Walks with gun behind back, Douglas argues in office with Sister Chadwick, Man with rifle waits in window for Douglas, Douglas lights cigarette, Men wait in dark street for Douglas, Partner aims rifle, Yukon shot coming out of saloon. Crowd gathers, Sister Chadwick with Douglas at grave. Argue morals, Douglas kneels over grave, Douglas paces in office, answers door, Douglas argues with Judge in office, Judge gives Douglas his Horse shoe, Daisy looking in mirror, Douglas kisses Daisy, Douglas and Daisy argue, Loggers at wagon canteen, Douglas gives fight speech to pioneers, Men working on railroad, Villains spy on railroad workers, Train loaded with logs, Woman climbs onto caboose, Sister Chadwick writes in book, Villains saw trestle timbers, Man spies from woods, Lumber Train crosses trestle, Villain shoots rifle, Villains find hat, Wounded man runs through woods, Villains creep up on train, Villain releases brake on caboose, locks door, Villain separates train cars. Train rolls, Sister Chadwick locked in run away train, Workers spot wounded Man. He tells of sabotage, Douglas runs through logging camp, Logging train races by, Douglas leaps from rocks onto speeding train, Douglas jumps from car to car atop train, Douglas makes it to caboose, separates cars, turns brake, Log cars race across trestle, Collapses, CU sparking train wheel as Douglas turns brake, Caboose just misses going over trestle, Men with dynamite, go to destroy dam, Men cross foot bridge, Men with guns surround Villains, Women Grab gun from Villain, Woman clubs him with stone, Man aims rifle, stopped by villain, Douglas and Men plant dynamite in dam, Villain shoots man from dam, Man slides on wire, knocks Villain into river, Douglas lights fuse, Men cross log bridge, Douglas climbs ravine. Villain kicks him at the top, Douglas and Villain fight along edge of ravine, Fuse burns on dynamite, Douglas flips Villain over ravine into river, Dam explodes, Logs flow down stream, Pioneers going to church in woods |