
Footage Information

F.I.L.M Archives
; 1930'S, 1940'S, 1950'S
2189B, 2090B
See Shot
14:00:22:00, Bugs Bunny Bond Rally song (COLOR, NICE), Spanky Speed-0 Bike commercial (late 1930s), Mae Questel as Betty, sings song, Bela as Drac comes to life to put the bite on her (NICE), WB outtakes with Robinson, Power, Powell, Rains, Bogart, Cagney, 1939 Academy Awards: Laughton, Lanchester, LaMarr, Stewart, Vivian Leigh and David O. Selznick, Olivia DeHavilland and John Whitney, Louella Parsons, Hedda Hopper, Jack Warner, Harry Warner, Ann Rutherford, Douglas Fairbanks Jr, Elsa Maxwell, Laurence Olivier, Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland, Norma Sherer, George Raft, Norman Weggner announces winners, Seated applause, Mervyn Leroy gives Oscar to Victor Fleming, Fleming speaks, Fay Bainter gives award to Thomas Mitchell, he speaks, Bette Davis gives Oscar to Hatie McDaniels, she speaks, cries, Spencer Tracy gives best Oscar award to for actor (reads nominees, reads Best Actress nominees, Vivian Leigh takes award, gives speech), Abbott & Costello outtakes (Little Giant), Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland at various appearances, speaks to crowd, semi-mobbed, cut cake and kiss with Louis B. Mayer, play/race in pool, with Fiorello LaGuardia at World's Fair, Fiorello speaks about how great New York is to visit (it's cheap and safe, 5 cents a night), Shirley Temple in For Their Sakes (Red Cross Appeal), Disaster and Red Cross Nurses at work, doctors at work, Cecille B. Demille chastises crew and actors from camera crane (from Hollywood Extra Girl), More WB bloopers: Garfield, Jory, Cagney, Bob Hope doing monologue from Strictly GI, Lane Turner does steak routine (and talks with Bob), Ext. Pantages theater for A Star Is Born premiere (NICE), Gloria Graham speaks with moderator, Raymond Burr and Evelyn Russell, Dean Martin and wife (NICE), Shelly Winters (looking good), Lauren Bacall speaks to host, Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis, Sue Carrol and Alan Ladd, Lucy and Desi!!!! (speak, nice), Edward G. Robinson and Miss Anderson, Jack Carson takes over moderator role, Jack Palance seen in crowd, Donald Crisp speaks, Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Wilding!!!!, Liberace and mom and Ann St. John, Dennis O'Keefe, Debbie Reynolds and Joey Foreman, Kim Novak speaks at mike, Sophie Tucker speaks, Danny Thomas in crowd, Doris Day with Carson and Howard Marx, Judy seen in crowd, George Jessel speaks, Joan Crawford speaks at mike (nice CUs), Judy Garland and Sid Luft and Jack Warner, Judy speaks, Throng at opening, At Home with Joan Crawford and her kids, "Give to the Jimmy" fund (for children's cancer), WB outtakes: Robinson, Patsy Kelly, Dick Foran, Pat O'Brien, Constance Bennete and her Daily Beauty Ritual (COLOR), gets out of bed, puts on cleaning cream, speaks to camera, takes bath, speaks about staying beautiful, Johnson & Johnson blooper baby powder spot, Reagan introduces Jayne Mansfield and gives award with Mickey Rooney (gets off famous line, LONG, NICE, Ron stands bemused), Bette Davis sells dishwasher (1935, NICE), shows how dishwasher works, Frank Sinatra in House I Live In tolerance clip, speaks to kids and sings House I Live In, WB outtakes with Porky, Laughton, Fields clip from The Dentist (woman wraps legs around him), Faked earthquake clip with Fields, Outtakes from My Man Godfrey, Powell and Lombard, Jean Harlow reveals beauty secrets, she golfs, smiles, Grauman's Chinese Premiere, pan of journalists at work, Harold Grayson and his band, stars arrive: Dempsey, Houston and Baer, Lorrett Young, Russ Columbo, Chaplin with Goddard and Cooper, Mae West arrives, speaks about I'm No Angel, says "Come up and see me sometime", Marilyn Monroe in Royal Triton commercial, Monroe screen test with Richard Conte, (NICE), Monroe gets photoplay award (looks really good), color footage of Marilyn arriving for Garden Party by helicopter, in red dress plays trumpet, gets 1952 Look award from Lauren Bacall, WB outtakes with Bogart, Davis, Bogart and Bacall screen test (VERY NICE), more a costume test, Bette Davis Christmas Appeal with kids, WB outtakes with Davis, Power, says "son of a bitch", James Dean in Highway Safety spot in cowboy outfit, Mickey and Judy for March of Dimes, WB outtakes: Cagney and Raft dance, Porky says "son of bitch"