
Footage Information

F.I.L.M Archives
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06:01:00:00,Opening credits, Sign on door: Mrs. Mary Stanley - Music Teacher, Kindly doctor peeks through screen door from outside, Mrs. Stanley sits at piano, Billy stands next to her practicing the violin, CU of Billy playing violin, Doctor enters, applauds, talks to them, gives Billy a chore to do, Mrs. Stanley plays record on console phonograph, she and doctor talk, Woman listens to phonograph, Billy trims hedges, watches other kids playing in field, Tomboy-ish girl tries to fix toy motor plane, Bespectacled Clarence is teased by the others and runs away, Billy joins the group, fixes the plane, The kids watch the plane fly overhead, Kids look up with boys shading eyes, The plane crashes into window, the kids scatter and run, CU of woman scolding Billy, Doctor joins them, gives Billy pointers on flying the plane, Boy walks up to the Stanley house, enters, begins playing violin while Mrs. Stanley accompanies on piano, Mrs. Stanley gives boy advice, tells him to forget about the violin, Boy leaves house overjoyed, Stage Mom urges boy to shoot high and not play in a jazz band, Billy talks to Mrs. Stanley, Int. doctor's house, doctor talks to his housekeeper, Clarence sits in bed reading, Clarence's mother consults with doctor. Doctor gives "ahhh" test with tongue depressor, Doctor spoonfeeds Clarence syrupy medicine, Billy looks at newspaper with girlfriend Nancy. Read the comics, Int. Mrs. Hadley's living room, guests arrive for the recital, Mrs. Hadley accompanies boy violinst on piano, Mother of boy smiles proudly, Boy plays violin badly, parents get up and leave, Small crowd gives polite applause, Clarence plays saxophone. Bad, Doctor receives emergency phone call, Doctor drives in rain, Old woman hangs up phone, Doctor arrives at airport landing field, Doctor meets Antoine Pirelli, CU of doctor looking bewildered. Doctor wants to keep him under observation, Calls office, Doctor tends to bandaged patient, Agent talks on phone with diva, Mrs. Stanley talks on the phone with doctor, Antoine lies in bed with bandage on his head, Mrs. Stanley arrives to care for Antoine, CU of Mrs. Stanley looking astonished, Mary leaves room, Mary talks with doctor. Doctor lectures stern looking woman (husband is Pirelli), Man guests leave the recital, Mrs. Hadley leads the children to where Antoine is recuperating, Mrs. Hadley encounters Mrs. Stanley in the hall, Mrs. Hadley conducts the children who play instruments outside his door, Doctor asks the group to leave, Mrs. Stanley talks to Billy, Boy holds up crossed fingers (fingers crossed), Mrs. Stanley reunites with Antoine, they talk, Gladys arrives at the hotel lobby, Conductor bows head in wife's hands, looking for forgiveness, Gladys walks in on Mary and Antoine, Mary leaves, Antoine tells Gladys about his history with Mary, Mrs. Stanley leaves the hotel lobby with Billy, Int. hotel room, Gladys reveals plan to Antoine's manager. Antoine enters, talks with manager, Manager leaves Antoine's room, Antoine makes phone call, speaks with hotel switchboard operator, then to Billy (split screen), Billy enters doctor's house, talks to doctor, Housekeeper hands newspaper to doctor, CU of headlines and photo of Antoine and Gladys, Billy rushes out of doctor's house to play, Doctor confers with housekeeper, Doctor looks out of window at Billy and Nancy in front yard, Smokes pipe. Says "women don't think, they feel. They don't have any brains. When was a woman any decent when she's fighting for a man." Nice talk by older woman about the nature of women, Boy talks to young girlfriend over fence, Doctor joins Billy and Nancy, tells them news, CU train pulls out of station, Int. radio station reception desk, various stage mothers attempt to get auditions for their children, Doctor arrives with Billy, is sent away by receptionist, Antoine in office with Gladys and manager, Tour guide explains how radio works to tour group, including doctor and Billy, Sound effects artist performs for the tour group, sounds of door closing, soldiers marching, horse hoofs, etc. (double talk expert), Man pops noise maker at straightlaced women, Tour guide gives demonstration of early TV broadcast, Billy gets into booth and his image is broadcast onto screen. Great early TV demonstration ("it's pretty hard to see yourself on television unless you're in two places at once.", Int. recording studio, Antoine greets musicians, prepares for broadcast, Doctor and Billy sneak away from the tour group, Doctor sneaks Billy into Antoine's studio, Billy takes violin out of case, plays, Orchestra plays in radio studio, Violinist in studio looks at Billy with astonished expression, Gladys and the rest of the musicians take notice of Billy, Antoine begins conducting for Billy, Antoine talks to Billy, Doctor reveals Billy's true identity to Antoine while Billy's back is turned, Antoice embraces Billy, Int. radio office, Gladys and Antoine discuss Billy and Mary, Billy asks doctor for advice. Antoine stands up for family, dismisses agent and girlfriend, Int. doctor's house, housekeeper tunes in radio. Zoom into radio, Nancy stands by her radio, sits down to listen with her family, Antoine conducts orchestra featuring Billy on violin in radio studio, Mary and doctor in audience look on proudly, Billy (boy) plays classical violin like an old pro, More listening to radio, Boy with missing tooth smiles, CU Billy, CU Nancy's mother's face smiling in her living room, CU Billy, CU Antoine, CU Mary, The End