
Footage Information

F.I.L.M Archives
See Shot
04:01:00:00,Seagull flies, Tall ships in harbor, Man writes with quill (back view in colonial costume), Man attaches wax seal, Moose graze by river, Bear in river, Bird feed young, Woodpecker perches on tree, Snake on tree branch, Herd of buffalo, CU of buffalo calf, Herd of elk run, Deer graze, Mountain lion growls, she chases deer, Long horn deer, Grizzly bear eats fish, Mother bear and cubs play, American bald eagle screeches, Flocks of birds in flight, Native American stands in front of mountains (classic pose), Burning arrow hits roof, Indians attack settlement, Man writes with quill (circa 1700s), Trapper carries fur pelts, CU ax on wood, CU ax on bush, CU foot knocks down tree, Old man chops back bushes, Men pull tree stump from ground, Blacksmith hammers metal on anvil, Log cabins, Oxen plow field, Woman in bonnet sows seeds by hand, Man writes with quill (circa 1800s), Covered wagons on a trail, Locomotive runs through forest, Herd of cattle, CU of calf, Herds of sheep, Emigration Mississippi River posters, paper blow across table, CU horses plow with steel blades, Tractor plows over nest of eggs, Newspaper press, dust cloud headline, Long shot of blowing dust, Barren tree (Dust Bowl), CU bare feet walk in dirt, Empty nest, Large junk heap, Storm, trees blowing, rain on, house and fields muddy, Dead fish in polluted river, Capitol building, Hugh Bennet and Ding Darling, bird feeds young, CU mosquito (magnified), Mosquito larva under water surface, they are eaten by fish, Cotton boll weevil, grasshopper, Big grasshoppers cover a corn stalk, Gull, hawk, owl, Mouse hides in field, Fifth Avenue high angle and Pandour Street, Fur store on busy city street, Two women study a fur clad mannequin, Models wear fur, CU hand with big diamond ring rubs fur coat, Muskrat mound, muskrat coat (repeated with mink, skunk, raccoon, beaver, weasel, and fox), Stuffed bird in hunting shop, CU of car tire spinning, Sign "Eat", "Hunting with Permission", Man fishes, Fish fries in skillet on open fire, Men hunt birds, CU dogs point, Pheasant in grass, English hunting party, Man smokes outdoors, Man plants, CU hands and boots in soil around plant (Civilian Conservation Corps), Brush fire, open fields, Rabbit runs across field, hawk flies overhead, hawk kills rabbit, Different birds in the field, Duck swims with ducklings, Duck sits on eggs, Squirrel, chipmunk, Boy fishes, Kingfisher with fish in beak, Boy walks with fish and dog to farmhouse in distance, Farmland, Boy pets dog, boy looks at sky, Sky with clouds