
Footage Information

F.I.L.M Archives
NEWS; 1970
See Shot
00:17:52:00,PARIS MIDEAST PEACE TALKS, Leaders meet for Mideast peace talks, Nasser gives speech, meets with Soviets, Nixon with Golda Meir at White House,VIETNAM PEACE TALKS, Leaders come out of Vietnam peace talks in Paris, Soviet non-aggression treaty signing signed by Willy Brandt,TERRORISM, Pan Am plane takes off, Burning jet on ground,UPRISING IN JORDAN, Tanks and soldiers in streets of Jordan, King Hussein meets cheering troops in Jordan, Three planes held hostage in Jordan, Planes destroyed by guerillas,NASSER DIES/DEGAULLE DIES, Funeral for Nasser. Funeral procession, Charles DeGaulle historical footage, DeGaulle funeral. Pompidou attends,POPE PAUL VISITS BANGLADESH, Pope assassin captured,Salvador Allende elected in Chile,WAR IN CAMBODIA, Cambodian President Sihanok in Paris. Ousted, Lon Nol gives speech in Cambodia, Nixon announces attacks on Cambodia, Tanks roll on road in jungle, Troops with seized guns in Cambodia,VIETNAM RIOTING/KENT STATE, Kent State riots. Students clash with National Guard, Construction workers riot with students in New York,BLACK PANTHERS, Black Panthers rounded up and arrested,APOLLO 13, Apollo 13 launch, Astronauts in Apollo 13, Apollo 13 comes down with parachute,SMOG/EPA CREATED, Smog in New York, Smokestacks belch smoke, Montage of pollution, dead fish in water,ECONOMHY AILING, Stock market montage, ticker goes by, Houses for sale. Trading floor, Shots of prices in supermarket (inflation begins),HIPPIES, Hippies at rock festival, pass around marijuana,WOMEN'S LIB, Woman gives woman's movement speech, Women's rights marchers, Shots of skirt lengths, Pro-abortion demonstration, lots of protest signs