
Footage Information

F.I.L.M Archives
NEWS; 1973
See Shot
00:42:23:00,NIXON ELECTED, Nixon inaugural. Sworn in,VIETNAM PEACE TREATY, Kids run in Vietnam, Vietnam peace signing, Vietnam POW's come home,WATERGATE, Hunt and McCord go to court, Watergate headlines in Washington Post, Nixon addresses nation, of Halderman and Erlichman resign, John Dean goes to testify, Dean testifies ("Cancer on the presidency"), Alexander Butterfield testifies, Archie Cox sworn in as special prosecutor, Cox goes to subpoena tapes, White House at night, Cox at press conference. Elliot Richardson, Protestors with "Impeach Nixon" signs, Rosemary Woods comes out of hearing. Stills of R. Woods at her desk on phone, Spiro Agnew sworn in. Peter Rodino with impeachment committee, Headlines against Agnew, Agnew gives "I will not resign" speech, Agnew comes out of court, Ford sworn in as Vice President,OIL SHORTAGE, Oil shortage. Horse head pumps, oil tanks, Aerial view of trucks blocking roads, "No Gas" sign in window,ISRAEL/YOM KIPPUR WAR, Jews at Wailing Wall, Egyptian troops roll into Israel, Israeli bombers. Israel battles Egypt. Tank battles, Kissinger in Moscow. SAC bombers takeoff, Arabs and Israelis meet at border,VIETNAM, Burning oil depot in Vietnam, Trench fighting in Vietnam and Cambodia,CHILE, Salvador Allende in Chile turmoil, Aftermath of Allende suicide, Army rounds up Chileans in streets, Allende picture burned, Juan Peron and wife in Argentina, Soviet SST plane goes down at air show in France, Mexico earthquake victims, Floods in midwest, livestock along Mississippi, Pablo Casals, Picasso, Picasso paintings, David Ben Gurian dies, Lyndon B. Johnson funeral,SKYLAB LAUNCHED, Rocket launch. Astronauts on Skylab, Views of Earth from Skylab