
Footage Information

F.I.L.M Archives
NEWS; 1963
See Shot
10:13:20:00,INTEGRATION, Civil rights demonstrators in church, singing (Albany, GA), Martin Luther King addresses congregation, Demonstrators carried off by police, Church bombed, King reacts (Alabama), KKK cross burning, Archdiocese integrates schools in Louisiana, students jeered by rednecks, screaming redneck gets heart attack and dies, James Meredith tries to register at Oxford, MS, governor Barnett on hand, teens sing "South Will Rise Again", Police in riot gear (federal marshals) arrive by truck, Meredith arrives by plane, rioting aftermath with gutted cars, Student in custody (including Major General Edward Walker), Meredith registers, Troops arrive from 82 and 101st airborne divisions arrive to keep peace, troops walk around area, Meredith on campus,ALGERIA, OAS victims on street (kill Muslims), Soldiers on street, make searches, kid with rifle takes aim, fighting on street, French soldiers assault European stronghold (artillery and air attacks), Outlaw General Raul Salon captured, DeGaulle arrives, car seen riddled with bullets, shakes hands, rides in open car, Ahmed Ben Bella named Algerian Prime Minister,CHURCH CONCLAVE, Ecumenical Council convened, Pope John leads meeting, Catholic priest (1000s) in procession,BLACK DAY ON WALL STREET - MAY 1962, Nice interiors and exteriors of trading floor,NIXON RUNS FOR CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR, Nixon smiles ("I defended opponents patriotism", "please write what I said"),ROCKEFELLER WINS REELECTION-ELECTION, GEORGE ROMNEY WINS STATE HOUSE, William Scranton takes Pennsylvania, Ted Kennedy wins Senate term, seen with wife, Jackie Onassis rides elephant in India with Princess Radizwill (Jackie's sister, in Italy with Caroline, seen in attractive swimsuit), Elizabeth Taylor seen in gown (around Academy Award time), Eleanor Roosevelt seen at end of life, Robert Soblyn (Red spy) commits suicide, Adolph Eichmann gets final appeal denied, in glass booth, Everet Knowles has arm reattached (first person), Sherry Finkbein (took Thalidomide) goes to Sweden for abortion seen at airport (NICE), Billy Sol Estes in custody, indicted,1.5 MILLION STOLEN FROM POST OFFICE TRUCK,MEN PUT ON WOMEN'S CLOTHING, Cops dress as women to get muggers,ASSAULT ON SPACE, Rocket into space, Animation of Telstar nice, Yves Montand in first transcontinental TV broadcast, Telstar ground receiving station seen, John Glenn walks to capsule, Friendship 7 takes off (NICE), view of Earth, Glenn in capsule, splashdown, off plane, waves and smiles, Ticker tape parade, Carpenter into space on rocket, view inside capsule, Carpenter rescued from water, Nikolief goes up (scenes of Red Square), People gather around car radio, TV transmission of Nikolaiev in space, Khrushchev on phone speaks to Nikolief, Khruchchev hugs cosmonauts in Red Square (off TV), Wally Shira in orbit, Animation of orbits around Earth (very 1960s), Saturn 5 takes off (NICE), Mariner 2 takes off at night (to Venus), Animation of satellite view of Earth,INDIA-CHINA, Himalayas panned, Chinese commies pour across borders, Indian troops try to fight back with horses and trucks, Fighting between India and China, Defense minister Minim seen, Nehru seen,EAST-WEST TUG OF WAR, Underground H-Bomb blast in slow motion (hydrogen blast, NICE), Huge crater left by blast, Smashed hole in Berlin Wall, commies repair Wall, add barbed wire, Underground tunnel goes beneath Berlin Wall, police find tunnels, Tenn killed as he goes over wall, Brechter carried away (dead),VIETNAM, Massacred civilians, Vietnamese soldiers into helicopters, on helicopters, off helicopters, Soldiers take up positions in field and fire, Jungle warfare, captured Vietcong, United States Marines arrive in Thailand,CUBA, Bay of Pigs invaders come back after attempt (off plane), Supporters wave white handkerchiefs, kiss ground, Rebel refugees harass Cuban patrol boats, Communist flag burned,CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS, U-2 spy plane, aerial photography of missile basis, John F. Kennedy with Gromyko, John F. Kennedy announces Cuban blockade, signs order, Strategic Air Command on alert, Massive military build up in Florida, War planes on runway, lined up, Marines in Guantanamo Bay, 180 ship blockade, Soviet ships turn back from Cuba, United Nations Security Council meeting, United States ambassador asks for yes or no answer from Mr. Stevenson ("I am prepared to wait until Hell freezes over"), U-Thant goes to Cuba to oversee missile dismantlement, Castro to microphone, Missiles returned to Cuba