
Footage Information

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2030B, 2031B
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06:59:49:17, CHAPTER 6: DEADLY CARGO, Recap of boiler room scene, Coast guard officer somehow is not effected by the exploding steam, Coast guard officer uses axe to break crew out of locked compartment, Boat pulls up to ship, Sailors rig stretcher, hoist wounded man from deck, Boat pulls up to dock. Coast guard officer and sailors take man on stretcher off, Photographer takes picture. (old fashioned camera with hood), Scientist and Lugosi in lab. Plot, Doctor over wounded man in hospital. Coast guard officer and Jean enter room, Coast guard officer over man in hospital bed, questions him, Bald brute in window, throws knife. Killing man in hospital bed, Coast guard officer chases Bald brute across rooftops, Bald brute gets into car, Coast guard officer hangs onto back of car. (Nice, rearscreen), CU car goes over huge hole in road (pot hole), Bald brute and gangster race, hit bump. Spot Coast guard officer in rear window, Coast guard officer fights with Bald brute and gangster, Coast guard officer pulls gun on gangster. Bald brute runs off, Coast guard officer in office talks to chief. Go over clues, Coast guard officer takes call in office, Reporter on phone in phone booth, Stationmaster writes on schedule board at train station, Bi-Plane takes off, Coast guard officer in cockpit of plane, Men load cargo on train. Reporter readies to take picture, Gangsters loading boxes on to train, Plane swoops down over train station. Lands, Coast guard officer gets out of plane, Coast guard officer talks with stationmaster about cargo in train, Coast guard officer inspects cargo. Man opens box of light bulbs, Coast guard officer studies, Photographer tosses light bulb, Photographer grabs camera as tripod falls, Gangster questions Coast guard officer about missing light bulb, Gangster dives to catch falling light bulb, Coast guard officer takes bulb from light. Breaks it to expose gangsters, Coast guard officer fight it out with gangsters in train station, Police car races up to station. "Beat it the cops", Gangsters flee shooting, Shots hit boxes with gas. Gas escapes, Coast guard officer gets into plane, Gas melts boxes. Coast guard officer uses plane to blow gas away, Water tower falls, hitting Coast guard officer in plane, SOS COAST GUARD CONTINUED (CHAPTER 7-12), 07:17:54:20, CHAPTER 7: UNDERSEA TERROR, Recap of train station sequence, Cops rush to crushed plane, help Coast guard officer from wreck, Reporter finds his camera is busted, Gang on phone gets orders from Lugosi, Lugosi in hideout plots with scientist, Sunken ship under water, Bald brute with hose in mouth dives to ship, Recycled footage from earlier chapter of Bald brute recovering crates, Men on deck of ship recover crates from ocean, Coast guard officer on phone in phone booth, Coast guard officer pals talk in crime lab. Plot, Car pulls up at docks, Coast guard officer gets out, Pals meet Coast guard officer at docks, Coast guard officer climbs on board boat, questions captain, Chinese cook sets pie out on deck to cool, Coast guard officer and pals search ship, Coast guard officer studies ships log, Reporter tries to sample pie on deck. Chinese cook chases him on deck, Coast guard officer notices clue, Coast guard officer fight it out with crew on deck of ship. (Fast Motion), Coast guard officer pulls gun on crew, Coast guard officer in office with chief, goes over plot, Coast guard officer and crew set out, board boat, Lugosi and associate watch from shore with binoculars, Binocular view of Bald brute diving from boat into water, Bald brute dives below recovers boxes from sunken ship, Gang on boat recover boxes from sea, Gang spots Coast guard boat coming. Flee, Coast Guard boat pulls up to sight, Gangsters watch from boat, Lugosi with binoculars watches from shore, Coast guard officer dons diving gear, Big Helmet, dives to wreck below, Coast guard officer in diving helmet looks over crates in sunken ship, Bald brute dives from boat. Swims with knife in mouth, Bald brute surfaces in air pocket in sunken ship, Bald brute Swims up on Coast guard officer, cuts rope, Coast guard officer and Bald brute fight underwater, Sailors on ship prepare to dive to rescue Coast guard officer, Bald brute Cuts air hose on diving helmet, CU Coast guard officer in helmet, Lugosi gives orders from shore to shoot, Coast guard officer stuck in diving helmet filling with water 07:33:41:22, CHAPTER 8: THE CRASH, Recap of underwater fight, Bald brute surfaces, swims away, Coast guard officer escapes, swimming to an air pocket in sunken ship, Coast guard officer swims, underwater, Coast guard officer surfaces, Coast Guard helps him on boat, Coast Guard boat pulls into port, Coast guard officer talks with pals, goes over plot. Come up with plan, Lugosi on phone in hideout, Lugosi and gang plot in hideout, Gang hides gas in preparation for arrival of press, Lugosi "Those fools will never penetrate my disguise" (Accent, great), Coast guard officer and pals pull up in car, Lugosi greets Coast guard officer and pals, Lugosi gives Coast guard officer and pals tour of Kelp plant, Lots of suspicious looks as gang tries to hide criminal activity, Coast guard officer looks around plant. Snoops, Photographer takes picture with flash VERY NICE. Gangster tries to stop him, Lugosi sees Coast guard officer and pals off in car, Coast guard officer and pals stop along road. Coast guard officer goes back, Lugosi and associate plot, Coast guard officer climbs on roof of plant. Crawls in skylight, Coast guard officer snoops around plant, Lugosi gives orders to gang, Gangster confronts Coast guard officer. Coast guard officer fight it out with, gangsters, Gang chases Coast guard officer around Kelp plant, Coast guard officer jumps man with motorcycle, takes cycle, speeds off, Coast guard officer on motorcycle spots pals in car. Gangsters chase, Coast guard officer races over dirt road on motorcycle, Cars and motorcycle chase over dirt roads, Coast guard officer on motorcycle jumps gorge. NICE, Cars speed down road in chase.Great shots of big cars skidding around mountain dirt roads, Coast guard officer goes cross country on motorcycle, Truck pulls onto road, Car swerves to miss truck, Gang shoots from chasing car, Reporter swings camera at Coast guard officer on motorcycle, Coast guard officer jumps from motorcycle to car, Motorcycle goes over cliff, Tire shot out. Car goes over cliff,07:50:17:05, CHAPTER 9: WOLVES AT BAY, Recap of auto chase, Coast guard officer and pals fall free of car just before it goes over cliff, Coast guard officer and pals hide, Gangsters screech up, go to check wreckage, Coast guard officer and pals steel gangsters car, Lugosi in hideout laboratory gives orders to gang to leave, Gang packs up operations to move, Gang loads explosives onto train cart, Sea plane lands on water, Coast guard officer and pals in lab study photo. Discover clue, Coast guard officer at desk makes call to Coast Guard HQ, Commander in office answers phone, Sailor blows bugle. VERY NICE, Montage of Coast Guard scrambling into action, Coast Guard cadets grab guns not unlike Swat, Truck blocks road, Coast guard officer in car on road, Gangsters hide in bushes. Ambush Coast guard officer in car, Gangsters tie Coast guard officer by roadside, Lugosi gives orders to gang in hideout, Gangsters set trap in hideout, Gangster under hood of car pulls out wires, Coast guard officer tied and gagged struggles to get free, Tied Coast guard officer kicks out headlight on car, uses glass to cut ropes, Cars speed past on highway, Gangsters set gunpowder fuse, Truck drives up to plant. Gang flees, Armed Coast Guard raid plant. Shoot it out with gang, Coast Guard storms plant from beach, Sailors lay armed siege to plant on beach, Sailor falls shot in sand, Coast guard officer gets free dashes off down road, Shootout at plant. Sailors shoot from under pier on beach, Lugosi gives instructions to Bald brute and gang in plant, Nice pan of sailors shooting various guns, Coast Guard raids plant, Bald brute Climbs into trap in floor. Lights fuse, Fuse burning, Sailors search plant for gang, Coast guard officer rushes to scene, Coast guard officer warns for Coast Guard to get out, Coast guard officer yells at camera. "this place will blow up at any minute.", Pals drive up in car, enter plant. Coast guard officer chases after them, Pals look around in plant, Trail of gunpowder burning, Coast guard officer finds pals just as plant explodes 08:08:41:03, CHAPTER 10: THE ACID TRAIL, Recap plant sequence, Gang gets away. Lugosi watches from window of plane, Coast Guard rushes in to find Coast guard officer and pals okay, Gang lounges on plane, Sea Plane takes off, Jean finds light bulb, Coast guard officer and pals study gas filled light bulbs in crime lab, Boat enters secret cave on island hideout. Opens like garage door, Gang unloads boxes at secret cave hideout, Lugosi and gang in hideout discuss plot, Lugosi makes call on radio set in hideout. Gives orders, Gangster answers call on radio set, Coast guard officer and pal mix chemicals in crime lab. Lots of jargon, Gang waits in car outside lab, spot Coast guard officer, Gangster tells pals to "Follow that car", Coast guard officer arrives at building, Gang creeps up on Coast guard officer loading truck. Ambush, Coast guard officer fight it out with gang in truck, Gang ties Coast guard officer and drivers, Gangsters disguise as delivery men, Tied and gagged Coast guard officer kicks walls, yells for help, Delivery men (Gang arrives with delivery truck.), Cops let delivery men into lab with crate, Man hears banging, frees Coast guard officer, Scientist in lab, delivery men ambush him. Fight in lab, Coast guard officer races to car, jumps in, speeds off, Gang disguised as movers help fallen pal into truck, Truck drives off, gas spills, Truck drives leaving trail of gas, Coast guard officer rushes up. Talks with cops, Fumes spew from back of truck, Coast guard officer rushes into lab finds pal gone, Coast guard officer spots trail of gas left by truck, Coast guard officer in car follows trail, Man hoses down street. CU car speaker, Cars race down city street, Girls play hopscotch in street truck speeds past leaving trail of gas, Girls look at gas in street, Coast guard officer and cops stop, ponder which way to go, Girl complains of hurt foot from gas calls for mother, Mother rushes out carries girl inside, Truck spills gas, Truck turns off road, Coast guard officer in car gives orders to gangsters, Pal tied in back of truck, Coast guard officer hears message on car radio. Races to scene, Coast guard officer follows trail of gas on street, Gang arrives in truck, Coast guard officer in car turns off road in hot pursuit, Pal tied in burning truck, Gang spots Coast guard officer driving up, Coast guard officer drives up to burning truck, rushes to save pal, Gang hides in bushes. Rushes Coast guard officer, CU Pedal goes down, Coast guard officer climbs into burning truck to save pal, Gear box on truck burns. Shot of Clutch giving way, Truck starts to roll, Burning truck rolls off cliff into sea below,08:25:39:20, CHAPTER 11: THE SEA BATTLE, Recap of truck sequence, Gang looks over cliff where truck has fallen, Coast guard officer swims with pal, Sign on Building: Mercy Hospital, Pals worry outside hospital room, Doctor reports to Jean on condition of pal, Reporter waits outside door, Doctor brings medicine to room, pushes reporter out of way, Reporter bumbles with medicine on cart, Gang in boat arrives in island cave hide out, Gang leader talks with Lugosi in cave hideout. Plot, Doctor demonstrates device to detect radiation, Radiation detector: Crude gauge on box, Reporter is holding radium pellet in comic relief gag, Coast guard officer borrows detector from doctor, Coast guard officer plans with chief in office, Coast guard officer with detector boards motorboat, Gang loads gas onto boat in cave hideout, Lugosi gives instructions to gang, Men turn crank on secret cave door, Boat comes out of secret island cave, Boat races in water, Coast guard officer and sailor speed in boat, used detector, Arrow points on detector, Coast guard officer and motorboat chase gang boat, Gang spots their being followed, Coast guard officer fires flare, Gang shoots from boat at Coast guard officer, Coast guard officer takes out Tommy gun to shoot back, Speedboat chase on high sea, Gangsters shoot from speedboat in chase, Coast guard officer on speedboat fires machine gun. Tommy gun, Boats chase, Boxes with gas are hit, gas escapes, Boat fills with gas, explodes, Speed boat races away. Coast guard officer and sailor give chase, Coast guard officer shoots machine gun from speed boat, Boat enters island cave door. Coast guard officer watches from boat, Lugosi and gang wait in hideout for boat, Boat leaves Coast guard officer ashore, Bald brute dives into water from Island hideout, Bald brute swims underwater, Coast guard officer enters secret cave. Snoops around, Bald brute surfaces in cave. Follows Coast guard officer, Bald brute grabs Coast guard officer leg, pulls him into water, Coast guard officer and Bald brute fight underwater and above, Lugosi and gang watch fight in water, Coast guard officer sinks to bottom,08:42:50:05, CHAPTER 12: THE DEADLY CARGO, Recap of water fight, Bald brute swims to the surface with Coast guard officer, Gang brings soaking Coast guard officer to Lugosi, Coast guard officer talks tough to Lugosi, Lugosi smokes cigar NICE, Gangsters tie Coast guard officer, Tied Coast guard officer picks up cigar butt to burn ropes, Pals in crime lab conduct experiments, Lugosi at radio set in hideout gives instructions to Coast Guard, Coast Guard listens on radio at headquarters, Sailor on radio in boat. Lots of people on microphones, Man on cliff shoots sailor on speed boat, Coast guard officer frees himself, Coast guard officer throws sack over head of Bald brute, Coast guard officer escapes, creeps around cave hideout, Gang comes ashore in boat, Coast guard officer gets in row boat, sets off, Gang finds Bald brute tied, Coast guard officer gone, Coast guard officer gets into speed boat, Gang reports to Lugosi, Lugosi scolds Bald brute shoots him in the back, Bald brute has sympathetic dying moment as he falls into water, Binocular view of speed boat, Coast Guard looks out from ship, Coast guard officer gives instructions to officers on ship, Gang prepares gas bombs to fight Coast Guard, Coast guard boats come ashore on island, Gang sets gas bombs as trap for Coast Guard, Coast guard officer leads sailors ashore, Sailors on boat aim cannon, fire at island, Sailors make armed assault on island stronghold, Gangster gives signal. Bombs set off, Coast guard officer yells for men to get back. Sailors flee race to camera, Sailors assailed by bombs and gas. retreat as island melts!, Island begins to melt from gas, Coast guard officer orders men away from the gas, Coast guard officer and men surrounded by melting gas, Pals in plane drop counter gas on island, Coast guard officer leads armed sailors in attack of island hideout, Lugosi in a panic, tries to flee, Gan runs shooting at sailors, Coast guard officer sticks up gang, Coast guard officer enters door, goes after Lugosi, Coast guard officer spots ship in water, Lugosi climbs from water onto speedboat, Bald brute climbs on boat, comes after Lugosi, Lugosi shoots Bald brute, Bald brute throws gas bomb, ship melts and sinks, CU raised hand lifts to throw ball shaped gas bomb, Lugosi screams in panic, Coast guard officer watches from shore, Just Married sign on back of car, Coast guard officer and Jean run out amongst flying rice, Car drives off. Reporter dragged by car, Reporter's rear end smokes as he waves hero and heroine off, Coast guard officer uses axe to break crew out of locked compartment, Boat pulls up to ship, Sailors rig stretcher, hoist wounded man from deck, Boat pulls up to dock. Coast guard officer and sailors take man on stretcher off, Photographer takes picture, Scientist and Lugosi in lab. Plot