
Footage Information

F.I.L.M Archives
Fast Images Library
Contemporary Film
See Shot
Birds, cardinal, yellow warbler, swallow with stick, building nest, quail in snow, cardinal, feeder in snow, sparrows in snow, 02:15:40 monarch butterfly on flower, caterpillar going into cocoon stage, monarch butterfly hatching from cocoon, monarch butterfly on plant, monarch butterfly flying across blue sky, rabbit, warbler singing, quail and young, quail eats insect - June bug; SPECIES: CAPE MAY WARBLER, CARDINAL, YELLOW WARBLER, BROWN THRASHER, ROUGH WINGED SPARROW, PARULA WARBLER, YELLOW WARBLER, BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER, DEER - YOUNG BUCK, QUAIL, CARDINAL, SONG AND TREE SPARROW, SWALLOWTAIL BUTTERFLY, MONARCH BUTTERFLY, COTTONTAIL, RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER, PRAIRIE WARBLER SINGING, QUAIL CHICKS AND HEN