
Footage Information

F.I.L.M Archives
Fast Images Library
Contemporary Film
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"Python" Trailer & Feature, No TIMECODE:Cargo plane flying through Lightning storm, crew man checks straps on cargo with flashlight, flashlight and eyes through wooden crack, cargo plane flying through storm, man breaks open crate with crowbar, body of cargo plane rips open, ZI to pilot's face/eyes, plane flies out-of-control, plane crashes down into mountains, mountain scenic changes from storm to starry night, campsite at night with tent and fire, 2 lesbians getting it on by firelight, snake underneath the blanket, woman exits tent w/cigarette in mouth, woman walks down to water, woman lights cigarette, weeds/grass blowing in wind, Zippo lighter illuminates carving in wood "John + Lisa", woman plays with python, woman walks off from campsite, more grass blowing, distorted color woman screams, woman zips tent closed, INT of tent shaking, mountain biker down trail, VS of mountain biker from trail to streets performing stunts/tricks, OPENING CREDITS, bike rams into police car, INT. of warehouse/factory, PAN across scenic lake/mountain, 2 girls floating on a raft in the lake, 2 guys talking in the front of a truck, snake (python) squirming through rocks, man handles snake, police car parked in the forest, internal organs/blood of freshly killed female, "John + Lisa" carved into tree stump, body with no skin, pick-up truck pulls up to intersection stop, opulent man in suit rises out of sun roof, kid kicks Porsche, Porsche speeds off, CU of snake's head hissing man's lips, INT. of office with businessmen, red BMW driving through driveway, Realtor showing woman a house, bubbles begin in hot tub, CU of tape recorder, finger presses the stop button, EXT. of suburban house w/realty "For Sale" sign out front, PAN from flowered bath tub through bathroom and into bedroom, PAN through garage with boxes, man pokes animal tail with sword knocking over boxes, bloodied skinless body dead in corner, animal tail trips man's feet, Python attacks man, Tail slices off woman's head, garage door begins to open, Python spits acid on man, Python's mouth covers camera, mountain biker rides up to house, python exits through window, window pane with broken glass, Homicide wheeling out dead body, biker crashes into police car, biker and cop fight,