
Footage Information

F.I.L.M Archives
Fast Images Library
Contemporary Film
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COSTA RICA 01:00:00 Aerials - cows in green field, workers in field, school children waving from field, village on hill, church, farm, herd of cattle running, tractor in fields, river, active volcano. 01:07:52 cu faces, carnival parade, television camera crew filming, aerial active volcano, aerial volcanic lake, green fields, aerials farmland, workers knock bundles from palm trees, baby palm trees, cu palm tree trunk, palm blowing in wind, swaying, field of crops, (banana trees?) green fields, cu dirt, dirt moving, daisy field, dandelions, meadow with yellow flowers, cu daisy growing, cu palm leaves, plant, cu dirt moving, trembling, tremors 02:11:45 blue sky with treetops, worker with banana tree, workers collect bananas off tree, banana leaves grow (jack and the beanstalk), fast growing plant, worker walking through filed with basket on shoulder, worker picks through plants, crops, leaves, collecting, examining, plant grows (rises) against blue sky - fast growing plants