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South Africa 1983-88 Pt. 2 - Zululand - 02:00:20 - Woman with red bandana, children, kids sitting in a row, row of black children's faces, CU African woman's face, various syles of houses, thatched roofs, tribal woman grinding corn, women doing bead work, dancing in native costume, Zulu villages, small villages with straw huts, women building a hut, poeple milling about, monument to Zulu victory over the British, Rorke's Drift monument, Zulu Cultural Center interior, students weaving rugs, students painting, Natal Province - 02:05:04 - train with sugar cane, sugar cane fields, burning cane fields, cutting cane by hand, harvesting machine, sugar cane train, Durban - harbor, cityscenes, street, high rises, The Rickshaw men in colorful costume, Market, woman walking with shopping bag on her head, vendors, curry powder, Mosques, Muslim prayer meeting outside, men and children, 02:10:05 - sea of muslim men in white caps, private parks, Mala Mala, guest accommodations, Jeep safari, rhinos, motswari. hippos from distance, musical entertainment by staff, playing drums, Kruger National Park, hiking camp, vs. camp, hikers, vs. flowers, Vervet monkey, 02:15:05 - baboon troupe, hippos in river, stork on river bank, crocodiles, zebras, impalas, NyalaOrkudu, wild boars, giraffes, CU giraffe eating from tree, elephants, lion pride, individual male and femals, duck and turtle on log, 02:20:00 - waterbuffalo, impala, wildboars at watering hol, young baboons drinking from water, playing in dirt, striped deer drinking from watering hole SOUTH AFRICA IN 1954 (very good quality) - JOHANNESBURG, streetscenes, pedestrians, Department of Mines ext. immigrant labor on streets with their belonging, department store with "European" and "Non-European" entrances, CAPE TOWN - Hills, streescenes traffic, pedestrians, Dutch-style buildings, wealthy suburban homes, tea party for Afrikaners, boats in harbor, DURBAN - Streetscenes, beach scenes, Hotel ext. dinners at hotel, Indian Marketplace with city in background, sign warning of pickpockets, Praetoria - Capital building on hill, Nambis, West Africa - Car on desert road, finding diamonds in Namibian Desert, Transkei, Ciskei Regions - Xosa (Xhosa) Tribes "Homelands" Region - Tembu tribe, huts, headman is summoned, leads a meeting of tribal members, man pays fine, women smoke pipes, Transkei, women apply skin make-up for ceremony, women carry basket on head toward horizon, pick corn, people appear in white face paint and assemble, women tans hides, naked women dance around station wagon, Abaqueta Ceremony, penis dance, Bvenda tribal women dance naked, Zulu Tribes - Natal Tribes, hut and tribesmen, woman makes a basket, woman with elaborate hairstyle demonstrates wood "pillow", Zulu warrior standing on hill, Shembe Festival, Zulus arriving, crowds assembling, trading post - transvaal region, transvaal farm - Boer farm - Afrikaner farm, Farmhouse ext., Afrikaner waited on by black servant, kitchen with white woman and black servant, natives pratice golfing, South African school for whites ext, well-dressed white children march, children wait for bus, Black Township - township life, horsedrawn carts on dirt roads, ramshackle buildings, woman hangs laundry, movie theatre, Johannesburg Township Library, township school, black students studying, Dutch Reformed Church in Township, children exit church, Township health clinic, dentist examines patient, hospital exterior, nurse lectures nursing students, women play records, Afrikaner recruits men to work in mines, Xossa workers being recruited for work in gold mines, blacks line up to register for work, blacks given permits to leave native areas, workers walking to train, workers boarding train, gold mine, workers quarters, laborers in quarters, miners on break - playing harmonium, miners go underground - instructed by Boer, laborers in mine shaft, laborers push carts of ore, drilling for ore, stamps at work, Boers polish gold bars in factory, Lesotho - natives walk along road, white woman touches beaded hair of a native, CU beaded hair.
Footage Information
Source | F.I.L.M Archives |
Title | Fast Images Library |
Ref | Contemporary Film |
Reel | WW-75 |
TimeCode | See Shot |
Shot | South Africa 1983-88 Pt. 2 - Zululand - 02:00:20 - Woman with red bandana, children, kids sitting in a row, row of black children's faces, CU African woman's face, various syles of houses, thatched roofs, tribal woman grinding corn, women doing bead work, dancing in native costume, Zulu villages, small villages with straw huts, women building a hut, poeple milling about, monument to Zulu victory over the British, Rorke's Drift monument, Zulu Cultural Center interior, students weaving rugs, students painting, Natal Province - 02:05:04 - train with sugar cane, sugar cane fields, burning cane fields, cutting cane by hand, harvesting machine, sugar cane train, Durban - harbor, cityscenes, street, high rises, The Rickshaw men in colorful costume, Market, woman walking with shopping bag on her head, vendors, curry powder, Mosques, Muslim prayer meeting outside, men and children, 02:10:05 - sea of muslim men in white caps, private parks, Mala Mala, guest accommodations, Jeep safari, rhinos, motswari. hippos from distance, musical entertainment by staff, playing drums, Kruger National Park, hiking camp, vs. camp, hikers, vs. flowers, Vervet monkey, 02:15:05 - baboon troupe, hippos in river, stork on river bank, crocodiles, zebras, impalas, NyalaOrkudu, wild boars, giraffes, CU giraffe eating from tree, elephants, lion pride, individual male and femals, duck and turtle on log, 02:20:00 - waterbuffalo, impala, wildboars at watering hol, young baboons drinking from water, playing in dirt, striped deer drinking from watering hole SOUTH AFRICA IN 1954 (very good quality) - JOHANNESBURG, streetscenes, pedestrians, Department of Mines ext. immigrant labor on streets with their belonging, department store with "European" and "Non-European" entrances, CAPE TOWN - Hills, streescenes traffic, pedestrians, Dutch-style buildings, wealthy suburban homes, tea party for Afrikaners, boats in harbor, DURBAN - Streetscenes, beach scenes, Hotel ext. dinners at hotel, Indian Marketplace with city in background, sign warning of pickpockets, Praetoria - Capital building on hill, Nambis, West Africa - Car on desert road, finding diamonds in Namibian Desert, Transkei, Ciskei Regions - Xosa (Xhosa) Tribes "Homelands" Region - Tembu tribe, huts, headman is summoned, leads a meeting of tribal members, man pays fine, women smoke pipes, Transkei, women apply skin make-up for ceremony, women carry basket on head toward horizon, pick corn, people appear in white face paint and assemble, women tans hides, naked women dance around station wagon, Abaqueta Ceremony, penis dance, Bvenda tribal women dance naked, Zulu Tribes - Natal Tribes, hut and tribesmen, woman makes a basket, woman with elaborate hairstyle demonstrates wood "pillow", Zulu warrior standing on hill, Shembe Festival, Zulus arriving, crowds assembling, trading post - transvaal region, transvaal farm - Boer farm - Afrikaner farm, Farmhouse ext., Afrikaner waited on by black servant, kitchen with white woman and black servant, natives pratice golfing, South African school for whites ext, well-dressed white children march, children wait for bus, Black Township - township life, horsedrawn carts on dirt roads, ramshackle buildings, woman hangs laundry, movie theatre, Johannesburg Township Library, township school, black students studying, Dutch Reformed Church in Township, children exit church, Township health clinic, dentist examines patient, hospital exterior, nurse lectures nursing students, women play records, Afrikaner recruits men to work in mines, Xossa workers being recruited for work in gold mines, blacks line up to register for work, blacks given permits to leave native areas, workers walking to train, workers boarding train, gold mine, workers quarters, laborers in quarters, miners on break - playing harmonium, miners go underground - instructed by Boer, laborers in mine shaft, laborers push carts of ore, drilling for ore, stamps at work, Boers polish gold bars in factory, Lesotho - natives walk along road, white woman touches beaded hair of a native, CU beaded hair. |