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Natural Images Hour 1 01:00:00 - Mono Lake, Sierra Nevada, California, tufa formations, vs. lake at sunrise, grassland with ancient lake, water lapping against small tufa stones, shoreline, 01:05:06 - lake at sunset with red sky, lake at sunset with distant hills, vs. lake and tufa formations, birds flying around lake surface, patterns in water, small waves and patches of grass, swampy grassland, barren grassland, high plains, old dead tree, island in middle of Mono lake, volcanic cone with water, vs. wild grass blowing in the wind, Mono Lake with mountains and Mono Crater in background, volcanic island in Mono Lake, tufa formations on dry land, tufa formations in water, small motorboat around tufa formations, finger tufa sticking out of water, vs. boat around tufa, 01:11:54 - Bodie ghost town, old church and houses with storm approaching, Lake Tahoe - family and summer activities, fishing on dock, mother and daughter fishing on dock, family on dock, A frame wooden house in forest, man standing in window, summer cabin on Lake Tahoe, two young kids (one in a life jacket) dance on pier, young girl and boy fishing from dock, girl with arm around boy, little boy reeling in fish on dock, young girl (7) face, girl fishing looking out to horizon, little boy (5) face, boy fishing, 01:16:04 - man and boy fishing, vs. Lake Tahoe with pine trees and mist rising off lake, Emerald Bay, large inlet of lake with island in mist, sunrise over bay, water flowing out of Sierras over waterfall in red light, 01:20:36 - Bodie, California - Ghost town, old building with light reflected in windows, vs. town shots, small cluster of wooden buildings across vast desert, rusted car with ghost town in background, rusted old car in front of wooden building, rusted wheel with sunlight glinting through, clusters of old buildings including church, building with boarded up windows, old barbed wire fence, old decaying wagon wheel, wooden building with pheasants running around in foreground, 01:25:12 - old abandoned gas station and old blue truck, sign "Shell Gasoline" vs. ghost town buildings, old school, ghost town at sunrise, general store facade with mannequin in window B126 - 00:00:10 - buffalo rolling in dirt, scratching itch playing, buffalo fighting locking horns, vs. Badlands at sunset and dusk, murky sunset shots, cliffs, raven flying, rock formation, CU of sunflower, ants crawling on petal, silhouette of sunflower, vs Badlands, vs. prairie, tourist in front of Badlands rock formation, Badlands mountain peak, 00:06:00 - tourist walking on trail at visitor center, fossil center, cars on road in front of Badlands mountains, pan across Badlands canyon, hikers silhouetted in cliffs, vs. tourists, pan down clay formations, single car on road through Badlands, sign "Wounded Knee", pan CU grass, sunflowers, CU sunflower, 00:10:17 - Badlands with trees in foreground, tourist photographing prairie dog in distance, car passing slowly, prairie dogs in distance running around, buffalo herds in distance, buffalo lying in grass, vs. buffalo grazing, muddy stream, trees blowing in light wind, mud, CU dried river bed, cracks in mud, pan across desert river bed, mountains, flash flood basin, dry river, tourist, grasslands, park ranger gives lecture on fossils, fossils in sample box, buffalo bay calf nursing, 00:15:00 - vs. buffalo grazing, tourists photographing buffalo, buffalo silhouetted against horizon, buffalo running on hill, tourist watching herd, children kids, photographing herd, Mt. Rushmore, CU rock formation, POV car through Badlands, Isle Royale National Park, Lake Superior, Michigan fort with people in period costume, high angle over fort, outpost on lake shore, shots from boat in park with tourists, captain at helm of boat, cruise on Great Lakes, 00:22:06 - CU berry on vine, blackberry, tour boat on Lake Superior, CU bee on yellow flower, pan across Lake Superior, forest background, shore of lake with trees and rain falling lightly, lake with birds flying, hiker with CU of boots walking on shore of lake, bird flying over lake, oil derrick in far distance, CU squirrel in tree eating nut, 00:25:04 - wetlands, tourist on plank boardwalk over marsh, CU birch tree, sunset over lake, ducks on lake in distance, longhorn cattle grazing, vs. cows grazing, Badlands at sunset, vs. formations, tourists at overlook, pan across Badlands, vs. Badlands, sunset against cliff faces.
Footage Information
Source | F.I.L.M Archives |
Title | Fast Images Library |
Ref | Contemporary Film |
Reel | WW-59 |
TimeCode | See Shot |
Shot | Natural Images Hour 1 01:00:00 - Mono Lake, Sierra Nevada, California, tufa formations, vs. lake at sunrise, grassland with ancient lake, water lapping against small tufa stones, shoreline, 01:05:06 - lake at sunset with red sky, lake at sunset with distant hills, vs. lake and tufa formations, birds flying around lake surface, patterns in water, small waves and patches of grass, swampy grassland, barren grassland, high plains, old dead tree, island in middle of Mono lake, volcanic cone with water, vs. wild grass blowing in the wind, Mono Lake with mountains and Mono Crater in background, volcanic island in Mono Lake, tufa formations on dry land, tufa formations in water, small motorboat around tufa formations, finger tufa sticking out of water, vs. boat around tufa, 01:11:54 - Bodie ghost town, old church and houses with storm approaching, Lake Tahoe - family and summer activities, fishing on dock, mother and daughter fishing on dock, family on dock, A frame wooden house in forest, man standing in window, summer cabin on Lake Tahoe, two young kids (one in a life jacket) dance on pier, young girl and boy fishing from dock, girl with arm around boy, little boy reeling in fish on dock, young girl (7) face, girl fishing looking out to horizon, little boy (5) face, boy fishing, 01:16:04 - man and boy fishing, vs. Lake Tahoe with pine trees and mist rising off lake, Emerald Bay, large inlet of lake with island in mist, sunrise over bay, water flowing out of Sierras over waterfall in red light, 01:20:36 - Bodie, California - Ghost town, old building with light reflected in windows, vs. town shots, small cluster of wooden buildings across vast desert, rusted car with ghost town in background, rusted old car in front of wooden building, rusted wheel with sunlight glinting through, clusters of old buildings including church, building with boarded up windows, old barbed wire fence, old decaying wagon wheel, wooden building with pheasants running around in foreground, 01:25:12 - old abandoned gas station and old blue truck, sign "Shell Gasoline" vs. ghost town buildings, old school, ghost town at sunrise, general store facade with mannequin in window B126 - 00:00:10 - buffalo rolling in dirt, scratching itch playing, buffalo fighting locking horns, vs. Badlands at sunset and dusk, murky sunset shots, cliffs, raven flying, rock formation, CU of sunflower, ants crawling on petal, silhouette of sunflower, vs Badlands, vs. prairie, tourist in front of Badlands rock formation, Badlands mountain peak, 00:06:00 - tourist walking on trail at visitor center, fossil center, cars on road in front of Badlands mountains, pan across Badlands canyon, hikers silhouetted in cliffs, vs. tourists, pan down clay formations, single car on road through Badlands, sign "Wounded Knee", pan CU grass, sunflowers, CU sunflower, 00:10:17 - Badlands with trees in foreground, tourist photographing prairie dog in distance, car passing slowly, prairie dogs in distance running around, buffalo herds in distance, buffalo lying in grass, vs. buffalo grazing, muddy stream, trees blowing in light wind, mud, CU dried river bed, cracks in mud, pan across desert river bed, mountains, flash flood basin, dry river, tourist, grasslands, park ranger gives lecture on fossils, fossils in sample box, buffalo bay calf nursing, 00:15:00 - vs. buffalo grazing, tourists photographing buffalo, buffalo silhouetted against horizon, buffalo running on hill, tourist watching herd, children kids, photographing herd, Mt. Rushmore, CU rock formation, POV car through Badlands, Isle Royale National Park, Lake Superior, Michigan fort with people in period costume, high angle over fort, outpost on lake shore, shots from boat in park with tourists, captain at helm of boat, cruise on Great Lakes, 00:22:06 - CU berry on vine, blackberry, tour boat on Lake Superior, CU bee on yellow flower, pan across Lake Superior, forest background, shore of lake with trees and rain falling lightly, lake with birds flying, hiker with CU of boots walking on shore of lake, bird flying over lake, oil derrick in far distance, CU squirrel in tree eating nut, 00:25:04 - wetlands, tourist on plank boardwalk over marsh, CU birch tree, sunset over lake, ducks on lake in distance, longhorn cattle grazing, vs. cows grazing, Badlands at sunset, vs. formations, tourists at overlook, pan across Badlands, vs. Badlands, sunset against cliff faces. |