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F.I.L.M Archives
Fast Images Library
Contemporary Film
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ADVENTURE SPORTS REEL. IRONMAN TRIATHALON, TRUCK RACING, HORSE RACING, BICYCLE RACING (ON TRACK), RACECAR DRIVING, DOWNHILL SKIING, MOUNTAIN BIKING, SNOWBOARDING, WINDSURFING, KAYAK RACES, RODEO, HYDROFOIL, WRESTLING, BOAT RACING, BEACH VOLLEYBALL 01:00:00 Lots of swimmers in water, big race (looks like the Iron man Triathlon in Hawaii) Aerial of swimmers in water, boats, aerial of lots of bikes, swimmer gets out of water, people clapping, men get on bikes, biker eating banana, nice aerial biker, CU bikers, other men getting out of water, woman biker, biker among cars, two bikers racing, man gets off bike, runners, man throws water over his head, man passing another man running, biker passes another, man running puts his hands on top of head, man runs around cones, CU runner, WS men high-five while running, runner wets himself with sponge, aerial Hawaiian harbor, man crosses finish line, gets medal, leis, hugs, woman running, woman turns cones, nighttime woman finishes gets medal and is very excited, woman crawling on ground, exhausted can barely move, crosses finish line, collapses, they put a lei on her then pick her up. 01:03:40 (all stylized editing/slow speed), (demolition derby-type) referee waves green flag, trucks racing indoor arena, truck turns over, men flip it back right side up, trucks crash into each other on obstacle course type race, flip on their sides, truck flies over large bump in track, referee waves yellow flag, CU blond woman smiling in audience, more trucks flying over bumps, CU two brunettes laughing in audience, 80s crowd in audience, very poor white trash looking. 01:05:47, quick shot city at night, more stylized truck racing, trucks flying over many bumps in race, truck spins making fast turn, little boy in crowd, zoom down from top of arena to trucks, WS arena with crowd, pan of crowd cheering, trucks race toward camera, another pan of crowd, everything blurry. 01:08:00 jockeys and horses race toward camera in slow motion, side view, front view again, jockey on horse surrounded by people raises arm in victory, CU horses hooves race past camera, tulips outside building x fade to more racing, CU jockey in red during race, WS jockey in white far ahead of other horse, level shot four horses speeding towards camera, CU slow motion hooves race toward camera, WS horses racing with crowds, stands and steeple in background, horses just after leaving gate, another longer shot of hooves CU, stylized shot of horses turning corner on track with crowd in bg, shot of crowd pointing and looking, blurry slow shot of jockey in yellow on horse racing past camera, horses toward camera, WS right < of horses exiting gates and down first stretch, CU real time horses turning corner, nice side slow shot of horses starting exiting gates, and another side < of start, various other start shots/angles, CU rear of jockeys, WS race, CU crowd, horses crossing finish line, post says "Finish", jockeys after race, smiling, trotting on horses, horses decorated with flowers, another WS of larger race start. 01:11:10 v. slow motion horses out of gate, men leading horses before/after race, more of the same horse racing shots, shot of lone horse along racetrack with steeple at dusk, horse getting a bath, sign post "Secretariat Ave" (famous racehorse), horses in stable, horses being bathed, steam rising off horse (what is this supposed to say?), horse eating grass near chicken and birds, backlit horse with handler, horse eating alone in meadow at magic hour, CU horse chewing, jockey on horse in practice in empty stadium, CU horses exit gate, more of the same kinds of shots of race. 01:13:40 four men in identical outfits start bicycle race towards camera, side < of men one behind each other in race and positioning, turns into black and white of bicycle race and back to color, CU men racing, zo bicycle race, Cus bike racers, WS bike racers do a lap around track, lots of slow motion bike racing. 01:18:06 ECUs racecars, wheels, front, axles, quick stylized edits of racecars starting, turbo boots, nitros, crowd stands up, nice shot crowds heads turn left to right in unison, lights turn from yellow to green, people in crowd holding their hands over their ears (loud?), looks like racecar catches on fire but just nitro boost I think, racecar opens parachute to slow down, racecars fo by in blur, dust, shot from stands of racecars, (a ton of quick editing here, individual shots pretty much unusable), 01:19:50 racecar driving at night. 01:20:10 downhill skiing, extreme skiing over insane sheer cliffs, moguls, side shots, wide shots, skiers ski toward camera, zi to skier on rocky cliff, skier wearing number (must be a race or contest?), nice WS of whole mountain with pretty light in bg, zi to skier, skier tumbles, climbs back up to get his ski back and keeps going, several different skiers wiping out, you want skiing casualties, this is your tape, now just Cus of several different skiers skiing well, skier through dense trees, another WS of whole mountain with pretty light in bg. 01:22:50 off-road bike racing, mountain biking, CU legs getting on bike, man in yellow does high jump on bike as crowd watches, tilted screens, funny edits, bike racers on trails, biker tumbles, falls off bike into dirt, several shots of bikers racing past camera, bikers race on path toward camera, CU bike wheel, bikers doing tricks on rocks, wheelies, jumps, biker running down path with his bike, more bikers tumble, looks like sepia-toned biker in snow falls, many bikers on trail in race zoom past camera, man on bike does crazy jump toward camera. 01:25:25 snowboarding, guys do jumps (again a lot of quick editing), guy on snowboard doing downhill ski type race, CUS snowboarders jumping in air, doing insane spins, CU snowboard, several snowboarders down flagged course at once, snowboarder crashes into crowd (man with dogs) during race, some upside down camera work of snowboarders, side shots snowboarders, nice shot woman snowboarder glides toward camera and past. 01:27:50 Windsurfing. Hawaiian -looking guy on windsurfer in ocean flies toward camera and does shaka, CUs Caucasian man on windsurfer, camera attached to sail of windsurfer, several different windsurfers pass camera, windsurfers in waves, surf with sails, windsurfers do flips and tricks in air off waves, windsurfer wipes out. 01:30:05 Cus of racecar at pit stop, looks staged, indoor and night, changing tires quickly, car leaves to race, several cars on track, POV of sportscasters, more quick editing crowd, Cus racecars, WS race and arena, sign says Daytona, winning driver gets out of car, hugged by women, back to race with several American flags visible, car smashed in front, another car leaving pit stop, more race shots, men congratulating winning driver. 01:32:05, CU sign on rocks "Put In Area," kayakers getting in water, tent with sign "Start" and kayaker in river paddling past, side camera follows kayaker through small rapids, through pole obstacle course, men in two-person kayak battle rapids, crowd watching, WS one-man kayaker turning around, CU one-man kayaker, kayaker crosses Finish line, CUS female kayakers in rapids, CU male kayaker battling intensely with rapids, 01:34:31 more kayak racing, distorted shot of man in kayak down rapids, several different angles, Cus one and two person kayakers in race. 01:36:49 Rodeo, men roping bulls, bulls kicking, fighting, man enters ring on bucking bronco, men in cowboy hats and chaps trying to stay on horses, rodeo clowns, rodeo clowns trying to distract horse as rider is thrown through air, rodeo clown runs out of way as bull charges towards camera, bull bucking wildly, bull chasing rodeo clown in circles, clown jumps on fence to get away, CU handsome cowboy getting ready to ride, suiting up, bull released from pen and soon after cowboy thrown, CU horse released from gate with rider trying to stay on, 01:39:10 woman in black and pink spangles standing on horse as it rides by quickly, CU pretty woman in red spangled cowboy hat, quick editing Cus men riding horses, bucking broncos, ECU hand on rope, ECU cowboy yelling, quick editing men falling off horses/bulls, POV riding on a bull, ECU bull face, rodeo clown with big oil drum being rolled by bull. 01:41:30 graphic Budweiser World of Sports, rear shot of hydrofoil starting, WS of hydrofoil zooming past camera on lake in pretty magic light, red hydrofoil zooming toward camera, several hydrofoils in water at once, racing, CU hydrofoils, crowd, nice CU four people in crowd turn heads in unison, more quick editing, some black and water, weird-looking footage of hydrofoil race, black and white inverted, hydrofoils racing with lots of spray, CU from driver's seat of man driving hydrofoil. 01:43:55 Budweiser World of Sports graphic again, wrestling, looks like Olympics but probably not, group of men in crowd waving flags in Arabic (Saudi flags?), big wrestling arena, men wrestling in spandex, graphic again. 01:47:00 CU racecar driver in 80s sunglasses, very quick, dramatic editing of racecar driving, crowd, blondes in gold bikinis walk past camera, POV man driving, men hugging, pushing car to start. 01:49:10 truck towing large race boat with "Bud Dry" on the side, Cus boat being lowered into water, boat takes off, Cus people on beach, CU woman's butt in brightly colored bikini bottom, aerial of many boats in harbor, CU race boat zooming through water, race boat zooming along coast, weird graphics. 01:51:20 hundreds of men in bicycle race, men on bikes racing down mountain trail, crashing (same footage as previous mountain biking?), shots made into funky graphics. 01:54:23 Beach volleyball; CU volleyball sitting in sand, women in bikinis standing around, man serves volleyball, zo to whole match, various quick editing of men playing beach volleyball in competition, stands full and covered with advertisements (including Hooters banners), more volleyball in a weird color, men high five, more weird color, women in bikinis watching from stands, nice shot ball flying high through air, three-way split screen, crowd clapping. 01:57:00 Women's Beach Volleyball, Gabrielle Reese (?) playing, tough women in black spandex playing (more quick editing), women dive for shots, various split screens.