
Footage Information

F.I.L.M Archives
No Quick Fix: Hidden Cost; 03/31/89
News Video
Black woman gives small tour of her home, describes a break-in and robbery; CU door knob; Man shows how someone broke into his home; Perp walk: Drug addict/ crackhead criminals in police custody walked from jail; Detectives look through paperwork and police reports; Police car drive sup suburban street; POV DEA/ Narcotic police rush from police van to house to make drug bust (a la C.O.P.S.); Criminal on trial in court; Prison window seen through razorwire; INT prison: cells filled with criminals/ prisoners; Line of criminals in custody for perp walk; Construction workers pile pallets of cinder blocks; Teenagers at drug treatment facilities/ youth offenders/ juvenile delinquents at halfway houses, drug counceling; Aerial of commercial/industrial areas of Long Island; INT employees cafeteria/lounges at corporations; Woman works at computer; Mobile filing unit/ movable file shelves in office; CU room full of bricks and bags of drugs; Police weigh drugs confiscated in drug bust; Cops pose with drug stash; Al D'Amato speaks about drug problem; EXT brick suburban home;