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08:03:21:00 teen girls scream through fence at JFK. 08::03:30:00 John and Ringo stand on podium with George and Paul as they answer questions from the press 08:03:41:00 Hundreds of fans scream their approval as New York police try to keep them from storming the tarmac; pan of hundreds of screaming girls along the motorcade route. 08:03:50:00 COLOR FOOTAGE: Ext theatre with marquee: Tonight on the Stage-The Beatles Show. 08:03:54:00 fans show off pictures of the Beatles. Girls starts jumping and screaming in anticipation of seeing The Beatles. Girl grabs her head in abject Beatlemania. 08:04:10:00 Beatles sing "She Loves You (Yeah Yeah Yeah)" on stage; girls in audience go wild. Give their classic "wooooooo." 08:05:04:00 John, Paul, George and Ringo exit their plane at JFK for their first New York performance. Crowds atop roof cheer. 08:05:22:00 Fab Four take questions from press at Pan Am podium at JFK; Ringo does Elvis impersonation. 08:05:35:00 Crowds fill New York streets as Beatles exit their hotel. Beatles visit Central Park as photographers snap away. To view this clip, please visit and click on BEATLES TAKE NEW YORK.
Footage Information
Source | F.I.L.M Archives |
Ref | Viewable Reel |
Reel | COMP A-08 |
TimeCode | 08:03:20:07 |
Shot | 08:03:21:00 teen girls scream through fence at JFK. 08::03:30:00 John and Ringo stand on podium with George and Paul as they answer questions from the press 08:03:41:00 Hundreds of fans scream their approval as New York police try to keep them from storming the tarmac; pan of hundreds of screaming girls along the motorcade route. 08:03:50:00 COLOR FOOTAGE: Ext theatre with marquee: Tonight on the Stage-The Beatles Show. 08:03:54:00 fans show off pictures of the Beatles. Girls starts jumping and screaming in anticipation of seeing The Beatles. Girl grabs her head in abject Beatlemania. 08:04:10:00 Beatles sing "She Loves You (Yeah Yeah Yeah)" on stage; girls in audience go wild. Give their classic "wooooooo." 08:05:04:00 John, Paul, George and Ringo exit their plane at JFK for their first New York performance. Crowds atop roof cheer. 08:05:22:00 Fab Four take questions from press at Pan Am podium at JFK; Ringo does Elvis impersonation. 08:05:35:00 Crowds fill New York streets as Beatles exit their hotel. Beatles visit Central Park as photographers snap away. To view this clip, please visit and click on BEATLES TAKE NEW YORK. |