
Footage Information

Global Image Works
A tour of the many areas of Alaska produced by Standard Oil Corporation
ALASKA - 1948 - 16mm color sync - 34:15 - A tour of the many areas of Alaska produced by Standard Oil Corporation in the late 1940s Alaska, Don Horter, totem pole, Eskimo woman, Inuit, Aleuts, Pacific Northwest Airlines pilots with plane, freight train, man collecting fish on beach, mountain lake, Mendenhall glacier, Mt McKinley, Mt Foraker, log cabin, highway, fishing cannery, Bristol Bay sailing boats for salmon fishing, fish scow Dutchess, Karluk Indians, Kodiak Island, fish in nets, Halibut in nets, gold mine, nuggets, steamboat on Yukon river, airport with planes, aviation, float plane taxis, seaplane, Northwest Airlines airliner, passenger ship, Ketchikan, boat smokestack, Thomas Basin harbor, totem poles, passenger ship, floating fish trap, fish cannery, Mendenhall glacier, Three Sisters Mountains, oil tanker ship, Mt Juneau, aerial view Juneau, capitol, Juneau gold mine, Baranof Hotel, downtown street, soapbox derby, seaplane Goose, Sitka aerial view, seaport, Pioneers Home, Russian Orthodox Church, Mt Edgecombe extinct volcano, Silver Bay, Fairweather Mountains, glaciers, Mt St Elias, Malaspina glacier, Prince William Sound, Cordova, Columbia Glacier, Whittier, Chugach Moutains, Anchorage, airport, Federal Building, downtown, 4th Avenue, hospital, diesel train, bridge, Federal Building, experimental farm, University of Alaska at College Town, Esther Creek gold field, dredges, tailings, gold mine, Cannana Valley, hydraulic mining with water hose, placer mining, bulldozer, drag bucket, sluice box, gold, Fairbanks, Kotzebue, Eskimo mothers and children, boy in kayak, King Island Eskimo chief, drying salmon, Nome, maintenance car on rails, ivory carving, umiak boat being launched, Bethel, seaplane lands, government hospital, unloading mail, rural post office, Northern Commercial Co. store, fur parka, harpoon thrower, eskimo family, cache storehouse, platinum, Naknek, cannery, Bristol Bay, fishing sail boats, Kodiak, 4th of July foot races, Valdez, Golden North Hotel sign, Keystone Canyon, Eureka Road House, sled dogs, Malamut, Lake George, Alaska Airlines stewardess, Alaska residents.