
Footage Information

Global Image Works
The Vanishing World - Native American Indian
, united states
Films documenting the Native American Indians in the early 1900's showing people, lifestyle, culture, crafts, hunting, religion. Very interesting and rare footage showing customs of Native American Indians. The interstitial cards describe the different cultures and how the Indians were poorly treated. Views of the landscape - mountains, river, prairies Views of the wildlife - bear, elk, buffalo . These were used for food and clothing Herds of free roaming buffalo 04:07:00 - Actuality footage of Prarie Indians constructing teepees 04:08:00 - Houses built of adobe and stone 04:08:30 - Navajo's housing built of logs and mud 04:09:00 - Navajo men go out tohunt 04:09:25 - women tanning hides 04:09:45 - Havasupai women carrying wood, making baskets 04:10:30 - Pueblo women grinding corn, making bread in ovens, 04:11;30 - Hopi Indians live high over the desert and women carrying earthen jugs of water to their dwellings 04:12:19 - Hair dressing of the Crow woman and the tradition of men painting into the part 04:12:50 - Ceremonial Peace Pipe being shared - whole ceremony captured 04:15:50 - a battle on the Prairie 04:17:26 - returnof the victorious war party 04:18:07 - ceremony at the river to give thanks. Medicine Man, women cutting willows and bringing firewood and gathering stones, heating stones and smoking peace pipe and purification bathing 04:20:47 - narrative cards say that there was infrequent battles among tribes prior to the White Man 's arrival 04:21:46 - War chants and preparation for warm heading out on horseback 04:23:00 - on the war trail and scouuting for enemy 04:25:30 - approaching and invading enemy village and killing. 04:27:40 - vanquished 04:28:30 - The Navajo covers its tracks by riding through the dry sandy prairie 04:29:00 - End of the trail - Indians now look at the destruction of their race as the White Man has changed things. The Bureau of Ethnology at Washington says that the INdian Population has decreased 65% since the coming ofthe White Man. 325,000 remain where there were one million two hundred thousand. 04:30:23 - the Hopi mother fashions the hair of her daughter into whorl shape indicating she is ready for marriage 04:30:57 - sheep and goats herded on teh desert and the women weaving wool into blankets. 04:31:50 - men shaving as facial hair is considered a disgrace. godd shot of man shavingwith wife and child 04:32:05 - Indian use of the stomach stick to aid digestion and build muscle 04:32:40 - communicating through smoke signals and hand signals which is now becoming extinct. Seen is Mountain Chief, Blackfoot, telling the story of the battle of Hope-Up in sign language to a group of Sioux Indians. 04:34:00 - love making and wooing varies among tribves. The Crow adorns himself in his richest garb and parades before the woman of his affections until his solicitaitons are accepted 04:35:12 - War bonnet is most imosing feature of ceremonial regalia. Every eagle feather represents some deed of valor 04:35:30- - there are over 200 ways of painting the face and body to express the voice of a vision or a dream. Paint expreses symbolism, to protect the face and distinguish the tribe. Also used to express personal desire or purpose of conduct. Paiting bodies for war trail seen. 04:36:00 - Pueblo women wear deer skin leggings to protect themselves but also to show social standing and financial position of their family. THe thicker the windings the greater the aristocracy of their status. 04:37:13 - A Trip to the Arctic with Uncle Sam aboard the USS Bear - observing fish and seal hunting. Boat cutting through the icelands. Point Barrow Alaska - land of the Midnight Sun - 10 months of daylight - northernmost point.views of homes and village and people. 04:39:19 - Eskimo watching on beach. Eskimo dogs seen. Groups of children seen and then in school. Boys taught business and industry, girls to sew and cook and keep house polar bear cub seen as pet 04:41:55 - monument market which separates boundary of Canada and Alaska. Views of water and icefields and icebergs 04:43:10 - Point Hope, Alaska - igloos - frames made of whale bones, walls of sod. Men and women wearing fur coat 04:44:30 - graveyards - cemetary fenced with whale bones. Reindeer imported but now vast hers roam the fields. Reindeer meat is now new industry. Killing of reindeer seen. Reindeer is as delicious as steak or chicken. 04:47:00 - USS Bear continues its way through the waterways to Plver Bay, Siberia - veiws of ship and its crew. Eskimo welcomes the visitors with dances and celebrations. Also a wrstling match exhibition. 04:49:00 - A New Deal is imposed - all tribes must raise the stars and stripes. Expedition of Citizenship making them sign declaration of allegiance to US. views of Oglala Sioux, Pine Ridge Reservation dedicating the flag. 04:51:05 - Otoe, Missouri, Kaw, Ponca, Pawnee and Tonkawa Indians raising the flag on the Otoe reservation in Oklahoma 04:51:47 - flags presented to each tribe. 04:54:00 - This New Morning will come - there has been a recodificaiton of Indian Laws, the Indian will be freed from teh perils and evils of the Reservation system, parental control over the INdians has been goes about rights the Indians should now have including the indian given full citizenship and equality and how not really true. Final statement about how much the Indians have not received the promses. Good shot of Indians on horseback riding off into sunset. Gladiators of other days have paused for a silent moment on the hill crest...Indians seen charging down a hill towards camera - Prohpecy died yesterday and despair - the despair of tomorrow writes its gloomy headlines upon every advance step of their journey. A series of shots of Indians on horseback in silhouette against the setting sun .