
Footage Information

Global Image Works
Attack on America - September 11, 2001
, New York, New York, united states, North America
00:02:27 - 00:06:30 - Burning North Tower of World Trade Center after first plane hit, WS as 2nd Plane hits. 00:06:30 - 00:09:59 - CU Burning South Tower - pan over to show both towers burning - pull out to wide shot of both Towers burning. 00:10:00 - 00:10:21-WS of WTC Collapse and CU from ground looking up at first Tower collapse, WS both Towers with No Tower burning, CU North Tower, shot of second plane approaching and hitting South Tower which is obscured behind North Tower but fireball seen as impact is made. 1:10:22 - 00:10:30 -NYC - Ground Aftermath - debris and people and EMS workers walking through debris. 00:10:39-00:13:53- WS South Tower collapse, ground shots of Tower collapse and dust cloud. Tower Collapse. Various views of Firefighters, emergency workers and people running from dust cloud after Tower collapse - WS along West Street with dust cloud in distance.CU on dust cloud to ZO to wide shot as people walk away from collapsed Towers and other just staring in disbelief and then moving on away from dust cloud, emergency vehicles and truck leaving scene of collapse. 00:13:52 - 00:14:12 - WS along West Street with 2 firefighters in foreground and dust cloud coming towards camera in distance, Dramatic POV walking through debris and dust cloud after collapse seeing NYPD trucks and fire trucks. Various people and firefighters and police covered with debris. 00:15:35 - 00:19:45 - Slow ZI from New Jersey looking towards lower Manhattan and the burning and rising cloud of smoke covering all lower Manhattan. ZI and hold on the site engulfed in smoke and then ZO to WS and back in again. Statue of Liberty is in mid ground. 00:19;20 - 00:19;45 - People running towards camera as debris cloud takes over and camera goes black. 00:19:45 - 00:22:14 - EMS worker being escorted to ambulance. View from across West Street of Tower collapse, people running up West Street to escape the dust cloud. View towards dust cloud coming across West Street, lines of people streaming away from the dust cloud. Good shot of young woman's face reacting. Man in hardhat covered with debris. Views of people carrying injured man. Two women, arm in arm, walk up West Street. 00:22:14 - 00:23:40- Several debris covered firemen sitting on a concrete road divider along West Street, one with blood streaming down his face and rinsing mouth with water. Views of debris covered streets littered with dust and papers, people walking with scarves covering their mouths, others taking pictures. The dust cloud still blowing through and not yet settled. Views of cars covered with inches of dust. MCU of fireman covered in dust, some with head in hands, others with looks of disbelief. 00:24:54 -00:25:46 Brooklyn bridge evacuation - WS to ZI of people seen streaming from lower Manhattan towards the bridge from all directions and roads. MCU of police boat racing towards scene and ZO to smoke pouring from Ground Zero. 00:26:00 - 00:27:05 - LAX Evacuations - airport. empty inside except for some camera crews. Departure Board showing all flights cancelled. MCU of policemen down escalator. 00:27:27 - 00:29:26 - WS Woman and Guy cop (police) standing guard. Various views of planes grounded on runway (airport not identifiable). Planes not taking off. One American Airlines plane seen slowly taxiing. This is O'Hare airport in Chicago. 00:29;39 - 00:31:26 – PAN across back side of White House. Firemen and police telling people to move. Men in suits running across lawn in front of Capitol Building. Police running. Large groups of police seen assembled. CU United States Capitol Police - Critical Incident Command Group (yellow patch on back of police uniform). MCU Policeman lookout stationed on rooftop of Supreme Court building looking over scene - ZO to wide shot of Supreme Court. Police truck and black SUV driving on road. 00:31:33 - 00:33:18 - WS burning North Tower, second plane hits South Tower (two views), both Towers burning, ZO and ZI - views of lower Manhattan with Towers burning. 00:33:20 -00:35:15 - WS burning Tower, Tower collapse - seen from New Jersey - dust cloud rising over lower Manhattan. 00:36:10 - 00:36:53 - From ground, view of 7 World Trade Center collapsing with dust cloud from World Trade Center behind it. 00:36:54 - 00:38:09 - High angle down of burning Pentagon, views of people assembled on lawn out in front. 00:38:10 - 00:41:11 - GROUND SHOTS OF BURNING PENTAGON, people evacuating and moving away from burning building. Firefighters. FBI man running to Red Cross helicopter. Fighter Jet seen flying overhead. CU windows engulfed in flame on second story of Pentagon. Various FBI men walking the grounds. People being told to move back. Smoldering building. Fire trucks spraying water on Pentagon. Throngs of people assembled across street and watching. Views of traffic. 00:45:11 - 00:47:42 - Aftermath of World Trade Center collapse and destruction in and around Ground Zero. Dust and debris and scattered papers everywhere. Police cars covered in dust. POV as camera walks through empty streets. Only a few firemen are seen amongst the rubble. Shots of partially destroyed buildings in the area which were affected by the collapse. Fire trucks. POV as camera walks through debris and zooms in on burning Ground Zero pile. A singular fireman is seen walking among the debris. CU of debris - destroyed fire trucks. 00:48:50 -00:51:27 9/12/2001 - EMPTY NYC Airport Planes. - Washington DC - US Airways planes parked at gates. WS. Capitol Building. Deserted terminal EXT US Airways Shuttle. Views of screens showing all flights cancelled. NYC airport showing planes parked at terminals, empty control tower. 00:53:00 - 00:53:45 - Second plane seen hitting tower 01:01:41 - 01:02:27 - Shanksville, PA crash site.