
Footage Information

Global Image Works
The Dropout - social guidance film
The Dropout - 1962 shows the loneliness and frustration that develop in Robert, who drops out of school and tries to find a job before he is qualified to compete in the highly competitive world of modern work. 02:29:13:26 Santa Monica High School baseball game; man thrown out at first base; 1960s audience of teens behind fence applauds. 02:30:18:01 CU neon sign of hot dog with words “Charcoal-Broiled” and sign beneath the neon sign for “The Hot Dog Show” hot dog stand, camera zooms out as man exits doors beneath sign. 02:31:06:15 VS young man at dinner table with father and mother; father gets upset throws napkin on table and walks out of dining room. 02:31:55:00 Two teenage couples holding hands running on a Southern California beach toward camera; LS young couple running on beach scares a flock of seagulls; teenage couple sits down on beach blanket together; MS young couple sitting on beach, Santa Monica pier in background. 02:33:50:21 Father with crew cut opens door and pokes head into teenage son’s room; father shakes son’s shoulder, boy doesn’t wake up, 8 mph street sign on wall above young man’s head; young man gets up, then lies back down putting his pillow over his head. 02:34:28:28 VS CU 1950s men with stern faces saying “no” and “I’m sorry”; extreme CU man’s mouth. 02:36:13:10 VS inside pool hall, down and out men smoking cigarettes playing pool; greasy unkempt young men, torn holes in t-shirt, older man smoking cigar. 02:36:48:03 MS young man leaning on pool stick, slowly turns head; two police officers grab the young man and violently force him onto the pool table and handcuff him; young man watches friend taken away then turns and hits his pool shot.